Category: Health

  • Train Your Brain

    Just like it’s important to maintain your physical health by adopting an in-home exercise regime, it is important to maintain your mental health by engaging in challenging activities that promote cognitive function. Changes in cognitive function are a natural part of aging. With time, your brain loses agility and can deteriorate further if you don’t…

  • Golden Care for the Golden Years

    Primary care services play a pivotal role in ensuring the well-being of geriatric patients, addressing their unique healthcare needs and promoting a higher quality of life. Access to timely and comprehensive primary care is particularly crucial for this demographic.

  • Homemade Meals to Smile About

    While brushing twice a day, flossing daily and seeing your dentist are essential to maintaining a healthy smile, it’s important to remember that our dietary choices also impact our teeth and gums. Nutritious, home-cooked meals have been linked to a lower risk of tooth decay and gum disease because you can better control the ingredients.

  • Start a Healthy New Year at the Y

    For new exercisers, the gym can be a daunting place. They may not be sure what to do or how to get started. That holds true even more so for kūpuna, who perhaps have not been to a gym in a long time — maybe not ever. • The YMCA is an excellent place for…

  • Can You Keep Your Teeth as You Age?

    Nearly one in five adults aged 65 or older has lost all of their teeth, impacting their quality of life. While some assume that tooth loss is an inevitable consequence of aging, proactive dental care can preserve both your teeth and overall health throughout your entire life. Maintaining good oral health is crucial for kūpuna,…

  • Overcautiousness Can Lead to Health Risks

    Striving to ensure safety and fear of falls consistently top the list of concerns for kūpuna. Unfortunately, fear itself can become a risk factor, leading to anxiety,  hesitancy and overcautiousness. Being cautious is natural during activities that involve risk. However, being overly careful out of fear can result in moving less,  avoiding activities that require…

  • How to Make Your Smile Merry & Bright

    Staying active and healthy during the holidays can be difficult with family gatherings and holiday sweets. While you try your best to avoid sugary treats, don’t forget to incorporate exercise into this cheerful season, because it could help you maintain a healthier smile!

  • How to Age Gracefully, Inside and Out

    My grandma once told me, “getting old is not for sissies!” As we get older, we may wonder how to age as well as possible. Here are some simple tips for aging gracefully as our bodies change.

  • Mental Health Impacts Oral Health

    The connection between oral and total body health is well-known. For example, poor oral health increases your risk for heart disease, stroke, and other serious illnesses. Likewise, your dentist can identify conditions like diabetes, oral cancer, osteoporosis, anemia, HIV, eating disorders and more during your dental visits. So, what about the relationship between oral health…

  • 10 Seconds to Prevent Falls

    Staying steady in your golden years may be simpler than you think. It’s not about speed or agility, but the art of balance. Just 10 seconds a day can transform your confidence in your own footing — and prevent potentially disastrous falls.