Author: Diane Cadinha, Certified Personal Trainer

  • Exercise for Better Body Functionality

    In 2012, at age 62, George Crowder retired from his profession as a regional fire prevention chief. “I was a highly qualified, able-bodied firefighter,” said George. “Besides emergency responses and standbys, much of the days was consumed in maintenance. In my younger days, I was invincible. If you wanted something moved or carried, I was…

  • If Lois Can, Then How About You?

    If Lois Can, Then How About You? by Diane Cadinha, Certified Personal Trainer, ACE, NASM from the August-September 2016 issue of Generations Magazine, Hawai‘i’s Resource for Life

  • Exercise Can Restore Health!

    When Wendell Murakawa retired from the Hawai‘i Department of Public Safety, he planned to “you know, take it easy, relax, hang out with my friends, drink, eat and enjoy life.” Then his doctor told him he had type 2 diabetes. “I knew I was overweight and began to watch my diet,” said Wendell. “But I…

  • Meet Joan Packet at 94

    Our friend Joanie Packer says she doesn’t worry about things she can’t do anything about — so she lives in the present, works at being as healthy as possible and tries to show appreciation to those around her. At 94, how is your life different than when you first retired? Joan: Back in Missouri, I…

  • Post Stroke: Not Giving Up on Feeling Good

    It was just a year ago that Marion Iwane, 88, read a story in Generations Magazine about a senior in her 90s who started exercising at age 77. Inspired by the story, Marion decided to come in for help with balance, weakness and pain in her hips and shoulders. One month into the program, Marion…

  • Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

    Every one of us, regardless of our age, can make plans and set goals. Each new year is a new beginning … a time to start fresh and hopefully get it right. Write down what you would like to see happen in the year ahead. It’s a way to solidify your dreams and desires, and…

  • Proper Hydration for Health

    Staying hydrated everyday is the key to staying and feeling healthy. Our bodies have an intricate system of keeping fluids and electrolytes in balance. Due to changes in the body as we age, such as a decrease in total body water as well as a decreased sense of thirst, this regulation system may no longer…

  • Summer Green Smoothie

    Summer brings in the time of year when melons are in season. Watermelon, honeydew and cantaloupe are rich in vitimins, minerals and antioxidants such as beta-carotene, lycopene, potassium, magnesium vitamin A and C. Adding them to a green smoothie makes for a tasty drink and a great way to get a lot of healthy nutrients…

  • Stretching to Better Health: Part II

    Last issue, Feb/Mar, I talked about the importance of stretching and staying flexible to maintain function. I focused on stretches for the lower body. In this issue, we’re going to look at some upper body stretches. First, remember to warm your muscles up. You can do arm circles to warm the shoulder joint. Shoulder rolls…

  • Stretch to Better Health and Well Being

    We all know exercise and staying active plays a big role on how we age, but a lot of us forget about the importance of stretching and staying flexible. Tight short muscles create muscle imbalances, which leads to loss of function and range of joint motion. Not to forget the aches and pains that goes…