Category: Health

  • Getting Off the Ground & Back Down

    We’re traditionally taught that to get someone off the floor, have them lean on a chair, get one leg up and push to straighten the knee until the other leg can plant the foot to have 2 legs to stand on. This requires a significant amount of compression force through the knee and very strong…

  • Summer Foods for Healthy Eyes

    Summer means tons of local produce is in season and readily available. A variety of nutrients and antioxidants can likewise be found in Hawai‘i’s abundance of crops and seafood, which help to improve eye health and decrease the risk of certain ocular diseases. Local eye doctors urge everyone residing in the state to take advantage…

  • HBP: Know Your Numbers, Save Yourself

    Blood pressure measures how hard the blood pushes against the walls of your arteries as it moves through your body. Measurements are taken when your heart beats and gain when it rests. Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure (HBP) can increase. Often described as a “silent killer,” HBP has no apparent symptoms.

  • Water: It Makes You Smile From Within

    Hydration is essential to staying fit and healthy, especially during warm summer months. As you venture outdoors to cool off, keep your flask filled with water. It’s the best beverage for your teeth and body. Water has many benefits; there’s no sugar or acids that can affect your oral and overall health.

  • How to Stop Your Gums From Receding

    If you’ve noticed your teeth are getting longer and your gums are getting shorter, perhaps it’s time to see a dentist. Gum recession can affect anyone, even those who brush twice a day and floss daily. Although it can’t be reversed, there are some things you can do to stop them from receding.

  • Get Into a Groove & Do the Move

    We’ve all heard the saying, “If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.” And while exercise is always at the top of the list of what you can do to stay healthy, it’s so easy to run out of time and defer it to tomorrow.

  • Wisdom of the Serving Spoon

    Eating together is good. Read “Eating Together” ( in our last issue. But Generations overlooked something in that article.

  • Take Statins & Other Meds as Prescribed

    Medicine is an important part of treatment for many health conditions. For medications to be most effective and work safely, you need to take them exactly as  prescribed. If you experience problems, such as new symptoms or side effects, talk to your doctor immediately.

  • Manual vs. Electric Toothbrushes

    A healthy smile requires everyone to commit to three simple actions: Brush twice a day, floss daily and see your dentist twice a year. You may have also considered new technology to make your oral hygiene routine a little easier and more efficient. So, which is better, manual or electric?

  • Emotional Wellness During the Holidays

    With the holiday season upon us, it’s important to look after one’s mental health and emotional well-being. While the season typically includes family and social gatherings, holidays can also be stressful, and trigger feelings of grief, loneliness and depression. Consider some of these steps to help support  your emotional health and find joy during the…