Ho’opono Offers Clear Vision, Bright Future

The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) under the State of Hawai‘i Department of Human Services provides services to Hawai‘i community members who experience barriers to employment due to a physical or cognitive disability. Vocational rehabilitation services are designed to assist job seekers with disabilities as they prepare, secure and retain competitive employment in an integrated work setting.

Can a Smile Show Signs of Osteoporosis?

As we age, our bodies can start to lose bone due to lifestyle choices, genetics and preexisting conditions. Your teeth are rooted within some of the most important bones used every day — the alveolar bones of your jaw. If there are signs of bone density loss through symptoms such as tooth loss, gum disease, bone loss in the jaw or loose dentures, your dentist may suggest you see your doctor.

Move to Reduce Falls, Improve Mood

The thought of exercise may feel overwhelming to some. But exercise can be about making small changes in your physical activity. Think of exercise as moving. Being more active can help you get stronger mentally and physically, improve your balance, boost your energy and lower your risk of several health issues. The key is to be consistent and make it part of your lifestyle.

A Time to Honor And to Inspire

The seventh annual HPGS Fundraiser will honor an individual who has, for much of his adult life, done a lot for Hawai’i’s kūpuna. This annual celebration will raise funds for student scholarships in 2024. The Hawaii Pacific Gerontological Society (HPGS) raises funds and awards undergraduate and graduate scholarships to college students interested in careers related to aging, long-term care or death and dying.

Pay Off Debt or Invest: A Balancing Act

If you find yourself with extra cash — either a lump sum or excess dollars from your monthly paycheck — you may be wondering what to do with it. If you have debt — such as a mortgage or student loans — the prudent option may be to pay off your balances. Yet it might make more sense to put the money to work in the form of investments that have the potential to generate greater returns than the interest rate on your debt.

Don’t Let The Clock Run Out on Part D

It’s official: You signed up for Original Medicare Parts A and B. Your enrollment isn’t quite finished yet though — at least, it shouldn’t be. Your next step is to enroll in a prescription drug plan. This is true even if you’re not presently taking any medications. It is important that you enroll in a timely fashion to avoid lifetime late enrollment penalties.

Give Yourself Credit For Caregiving

Stayin’ Alive: the Bee Gees’ message remains important for those of us involved in caregiving. Too often we allow our own health and wellbeing to decline while we try to keep our loved ones safe and content. Here are a few easy to do things that can help keep you — the caregiver — alive… Whether you’re a brother or whether you’re a mother!

Mental Health Impacts Oral Health

The connection between oral and total body health is well-known. For example, poor oral health increases your risk for heart disease, stroke, and other serious illnesses. Likewise, your dentist can identify conditions like diabetes, oral cancer, osteoporosis, anemia, HIV, eating disorders and more during your dental visits. So, what about the relationship between oral health and mental health?

Tech Update for Older Adults

Trends in technology for older adults highlight continued adaption in a variety of services, including health care. Older adults are continuing to live better because of technological innovation. A recent AARP report about tech trends shows that adults over 50 have nearly as high an adoption rate for smartphones, wearables, voice assistants and smart home technologies as their younger counterparts.

My Story: A Life-Changing Health Scare

I was sitting outside an Ala Moana Hotel meeting room texting on my phone. Suddenly, I looked up. I had no idea where I was. I realized I was actually lying on the floor and looking at the walls and ceiling. Sweat seemed to be pouring down my face. I reached up to wiped the perspiration, only to discover it was blood. Soon a physical therapist appeared, asking me to follow his finger with my eyes. He asked me to raise my hands above my head, then to smile. He said I didn’t have a stroke or heart attack.

Generations Senior Fair at Windward Mall

You could feel the excitement and electricity in the center of Windward Mall in Kāne‘ohe, O‘ahu, on Friday, May 19, when Generations Magazine held our first “Generations Senior Fair at Windward Mall” since January 2020. There were six rows of Generations partners, offering their services, knowledge and experience. Everyone brought their wealth of information and welcomed attendees, who were able to speak one-to-one with professionals in the many fields serving kūpuna and their families.

Sustainable Transitions in Gerontology

The Hawaii Pacific Gerontological Society (HPGS), is thrilled to announce its 2023 biennial conference from September 7–8 following the success of its virtual conference in 2021.Designed for a diverse audience that includes kūpuna practitioners in the health and human service fields, businesses, government agencies, nonprofits, and faith-based organizations serving kūpuna, HPGS extends a warm invitation to its two-day event at the Ala Moana Hotel.

Carl “Kini Popo” Hebenstreit, 1929-2022

Carl “Kini Popo” Hebenstreit was well past retirement age when he made the decision to launch Generations Hawai‘i, which he described as “one of the happiest and most satisfying activities” of his life. “There is a need for it. That’s been a Trade [Media Hui] DNA tag since [1954],” when the original parent company of Generations was founded, he explained in an email to a colleague in 2006. Even then, at the age of 77 himself, Carl could tell the Great Silver Wave was nowhere near its crest.

Pickleball: A Hole Different Ball Game

Pickleball: A Hole Different Ball Game

Few places can outshine Hawai‘i when it comes to healthy outdoor activities. The weather and the environment provide countless opportunities for exercise, whatever your fitness level. Canoe paddling challenges the physically fit, just as a short walk in a park or on a beach might challenge someone who has mobility issues. One sport that welcomes all fitness levels is pickleball.

Coalition Guide to Caring for Kūpuna

The Hawai‘i Family Caregiver Coalition was formed to develop new partnerships at local and state levels to advance a coordinated approach to address the needs of  Hawai‘i’s family caregivers. As caregiving touches everyone, the mission of the Hawai‘i Family Caregiver Coalition (HFCC) is to improve the quality of life of those who give and receive care by increasing community awareness of caregiver issues through continuing advocacy, education and training.

Gain Skills to Avoid Medicare Fraudsters

With our state’s senior population growing at a rapid rate, protecting kūpuna against the threat of Medicare fraud and abuse is essential. More than 10,000 Americans turn 65 each day, becoming eligible for Medicare as they blow out their birthday candles. As of 2020, one in four Hawai‘i residents is 65 or older, with this population growing at an annual rate of 17%. Hawai’i also has the highest life expectancy in the country, with an average of 83.1 years of age. Together, these facts mean that by 2030, a third of Hawai’i’s total  population will be Medicare eligible.

Getting Off the Ground & Back Down

We’re traditionally taught that to get someone off the floor, have them lean on a chair, get one leg up and push to straighten the knee until the other leg can plant the foot to have 2 legs to stand on. This requires a significant amount of compression force through the knee and very strong quad muscles. I remember going through this method and always struggling when someone had knee pain or very weak legs. And then my mom taught me a different way.

Summer Foods for Healthy Eyes

Summer means tons of local produce is in season and readily available. A variety of nutrients and antioxidants can likewise be found in Hawai‘i’s abundance of crops and seafood, which help to improve eye health and decrease the risk of certain ocular diseases. Local eye doctors urge everyone residing in the state to take advantage of summer’s supply of fresh foods.

Adult Day Cares: A Social Hub for Seniors

Adding some sparkle to your social life can be a challenge at any age, especially in life’s later decades. For many, adult day care is a low-stress foray into an activity-filled social life. Adult day care centers are key providers of long-term care services. They provide activities, health monitoring, socialization and assistance with daily activities.

Can You Trust Wristband Health Readings?

Rapid advances in healthcare technology allow many older adults to monitor their vital signs with a glance at their wrist. But is the wristband health technology accurate? You’ve probably seen the multitude of health monitors you can strap on your wrist. And you assume that they have passed testing to show that they are accurate and reliable. Well, think again.

Lifelong Learning in Hawai‘i

The population structure in the U.S. is rapidly changing. Increased life expectancy, strong immigration and a fertility rate of presently 1.64 children per woman — higher than in other developed countries — will cause a population increase from 336 million (2023) to 373 million (2053). The population ages 60 and older will experience the strongest growth, and their share in the total population is expected to increase from 12 percent (1950) to 28 percent (2050). These developments are also visible in Hawai‘i.

Hiring Strangers as Caregivers

When Hiroko hired a healthcare agency to assist her in caring for her husband, she trusted that the company would provide her with caregivers who were responsible and professional. Unfortunately, this agency sent a “caregiver” who helped herself to Hiroko’s jewelry. This is only one of many cases of caregiver abuse handled by the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney, but it highlights the need for people to become aware of the risks involved when hiring a stranger as a caregiver.

Starting Your Estate Planning Journey

The first steps in your estate planning journey are learning 1) how to stay in control of your stuff while you are able to be in control and 2) how to make sure your wishes are carried out when incapacity or the grim reaper catch up with you. Sorry to rub it in, but there is a 100% probability that at least one of these things is going to happen to you and a 70% probability that both of them will.

Out-of-Pocket Healthcare Costs

The number of infants born in the US jumped significantly after World War II and continued to increase through the mid-1960s. Social scientists believe it was the result of the thousands of WWII veterans returning home to a booming economy and GI Bill benefits that provided access to home ownership, encouraging them to marry and start families. These infants born between 1946 and 1964 are known as baby boomers.

Helping Seniors With Technology

Technology is ever-advancing these days, with information on new devices everywhere. For early adopters, this is seen as helpful and even normal. However, for some seniors, adapting to new devices can be challenging due to physical limitations. Vision loss is one of the more common problems experienced, as is age-related macular degeneration (AMD) that typically affects older adults.

Creating Resilience

The Institute for Human Services (IHS) has come a long way from its humble beginnings as a ministry distributing peanut butter sandwiches to those sleeping on the streets of Chinatown in the late 1970s. The team Connie Mitchell put together after joining IHS in 2006 can be justly proud of how the nonprofit tackles the many challenges faced by the unhoused.

The Houseless Are Not Homeless

Growing up modestly in a suburb of Chicago, I remember the first time we went camping. I was so excited, because this was a family vacation. My brothers and sisters helped pack the hot dogs and buns, collected our sleeping bags and pillows, and gathered wood for the fire. We were thrilled to eat canned beans! It was an exciting adventure… until the doorbell rang.

A Sweet Life

Many claim they are leaving a legacy, yet Henry Kapono Ka‘aihue lives his every day, instilling pure aloha into everything he does. In his alleged “Golden Years,” when most are retired or slowing down, this remarkable music man has no intention of doing any of that any time soon.

Keep Good Health Insurance

During my 12-plus years in the Medicare health insurance field, I have talked to many people aging into Medicare. In our discussions, I am consistently told that they never get sick and take few drugs, so they are just looking for the cheapest plan. I am always surprised, because I have noticed that health problems tend to manifest as seniors move into their 60s, 70s and beyond.

Prevent Identify Theft

Protect your identity and help prevent healthcare fraud by guarding your Medicare card like you would a credit card. Scammers are expanding their targets, especially kūpuna, and they can be very convincing. A fraudster recently contacted a Honolulu resident, stating the resident’s name and date of birth. The con artist then offered to replace the resident’s Medicare card if he would share his Social Security Number. Luckily, the resident did not cooperate with this scammer.

Door Opens for Those With Disabilities

There is nothing a grandparent gets greater satisfaction from than helping their mo‘opuna. This may be especially true if the grandchild has special needs. Their ongoing health and financial welfare is priority one. But for too long, people with disabilities could not save for the future out of fear of losing essential government benefits — the ones they depend upon each and every day.

Manual vs. Electric Toothbrushes

A healthy smile requires everyone to commit to three simple actions: Brush twice a day, floss daily and see your dentist twice a year. You may have also considered new technology to make your oral hygiene routine a little easier and more efficient. So, which is better, manual or electric?

Self-Renewal Tips for Caregivers

Caregivers are some of the most selfless people you will find, constantly putting the needs of others before their own. In Hawai‘i, over 65,000 people are family  caregivers for almost 30,000 loved ones living with Alzheimer’s or another dementia. In my seven years of experience working with family caregivers, I’ve seen caregivers who make many sacrifices, sometimes neglecting their own health and often postponing vacations for years. If this is you, it’s time to focus on self-renewal.

Benefit of Live Music in Nursing Homes

Much more than just a time-filler, live music holds therapeutic benefits for nursing home residents. According to a 2016 study, live music has been shown to reduce cortisol levels in the body, allowing for a stronger immune system, reduction in depression, better memory and many other benefits. It’s no wonder that nursing homes schedule in a healthy dose of live music!

McDating: Romance Under Golden Arches

Turns out, you just might find more than two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun at your local McDonald’s. Venetia Angel, 63, routinely visited her local McDonald’s in Pukalani on Maui. One evening, she approached a group of senior ladies who were playing cards. She noticed them there often. That evening, she asked what they were playing. Although she did not know the game called “books and straights,” they insisted she join them the next night.