Author: Cynthia Arnold, Publisher

  • Grandma’s Butter Crunch Jello Cream Cake

    My fondest memories of my late grandma, Shirley Ihara, are of watching her cook and bake in the kitchen. During the holidays, she would make her Butter Crunch Jello Cream Cake and it was one of my favorites. She actually taught me this recipe when I was a child, but I really didn’t make it…

  • Crazy Little Thing Called Love!

    The city and county’s Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Senior Citizens Program made a splash this year hosting an annual event Valentines Day dance titled Crazy Little Thing Called Love. Sponsored by Bank of Hawaii and DPR. Music by the Royal Hawaiian Band. 850 hearts (people) attended!

  • Spring Decluttering After the Holidays

    Now that the holidays are over and we are settling in the new year, it’s is a good time to do a “Spring De-Cluttering.” Spring decluttering is similar to spring cleaning, but instead of dusting and cleaning the windows, you will instead do some quick removal of unnecessary items.

  • Help for Seniors in Transition

    When seniors move — for whatever reason — their lifetime of possessions and precious memories may require downsizing and selling — all done with tender, loving care and compassion. NASMM members aim to meet each client’s personalized needs.

  • Parting With Treasured Belongings

    Have you heard these questions before: “How do I get my Mom to let go of her things?”, “Why does my Dad not want to get rid of his junk?” and “I’m not making much progress with them, what am I doing wrong?” Most times the answer isn’t black and white, as it really depends…

  • A Year of Exhalation

    This is your new year resolution: exhale. You’ve collected things through the years and you’re beginning to realize … there’s no room to breath — you see “clutter”. You know you need to declutter, but you just don’t know where to start. You can start by exhaling. Then begin with the least personal space, such as the least used…

  • It’s a Good Move

    As Baby Boomers begin to retire, many are choosing to downsize to a simpler life. After their children leave the nest, many seek a more comfortable living environment as they enter senior-hood. Some opt to spend their retirement years living in a smaller home, retirement community, or with their adult children. This transition is often…