“Volunteerism, the heart of community” weaves through our April/May issue. Family, neighbors, places of worship, civic and social clubs, public events and government programs all depend on the generosity of volunteers. Thank you for your service.
An editorial featured here by Dr. Christy Nishita, at UH Center on Aging and the Hawaii Pacific Gerontological Society, discussing how the “the sandwich generation”— baby boomers with college-age children and dependent parents — impacts community health services. Next issue, a boomer you all know will tell his story from the heart.
Our cover story interview with Red Cross Hawaii CEO Coralie Chun Matayoshi will open your eyes to the largest volunteer operation in Hawai‘i. Click here and you won’t have to endure a disaster to get to know this wonderful humanitarian organization.
Click here to read about how UH sorority Beta Beta Gamma alumnae and the BBG Foundation give tribute to the late Dennis Taira, a mortgage broker and Phi Kappa Pi fraternity alumnus, supported 15 BBG Annual Golf Tournament fundraisers. Our Publisher, Percy Ihara, is a frat brother of Dennis and a fellow mortgage professional.
If you want to help your community, see our “Senior Volunteer Opportunities” Resource Guide by clicking here. Take the first step — call an organization and give a little of your time.
Click here to explore the healthy activities of Hiking and click here for Line Dancing. Click here for a fun column on “Helpful Tips.” Call, mail, email or submit online — your tips that will save readers time or effort. You send ‘em, we print ‘em.
Condolences to the Miyahira Family

Every Day is Brand New!
Katherine Kama‘ema‘e Smith, Associate Editor
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