Generations Magazine - Do I Have a Tip for You! - Image 01It takes creativity to stretch our dollars, save steps and get our chores done efficiently so we have time for family and community FUN!

Let’s share what we’ve learned. Our world is changing, but not everything. The younger generation teach us technology; we teach them wisdom. In our time, “fast” and “inexpensive” was the name of the game — how to cook fast meals that don’t cost $25 plus a leg…or an arm. By the end of the week, one can save plenty of cash! Other things that we can share are new tricks that make our lives easier. To get the ball rolling, here’s something from our staff:

Bathroom tips:

  • Always leave a light on at night, make sure the bath mat has a non-slip bottom, and be sure cold and hot faucets are clearly marked.

How about Kitchen tips:

  • To see if an egg is fresh, immerse it in a container of cool, salted water. If it sinks, it’s fresh — if it floats, throw it away.
  • Mash and freeze ripe bananas, in one-cup portions, for use in later baking, or peel and freeze whole in a baggie — no wasted bananas!
  • Coffee filters can be used more than just for making coffee.Use them to cover dishes when cooking in the microwave or to soak grease after frying bacon, French fries, chicken fingers, etc.

Help us share your wisdom by giving us your Helpful Tips. Call or email Sherry Goya. 808-722-8487 |