Round ‘em Up!

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O’ahu Seniors rehearse for an exhibition dance.

Line Dancing — it’s not just country, or confined to local Honky Tonk. Heck! Seniors are line dancing to all their favorite tunes!

A number of studies extoll the benefits of line dancing for seniors: low impact exercise that can improve cardio-vascular health, muscle tone and strength is one. I just learned that it also lowers risk of osteoporosis!

Dancing also exercises our minds. Learning new dance steps, patterns and musical rhythms keep our brains and attention sharp — to ward off dementia. It also provides essential social benefits: meeting new people, sharing common interests. We see dancing seniors building new confidence and self-expression. Line dancing is a wonder drug for seniors! And FUN!

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West Maui Seniors have fun at Kaunoa Center.

On O‘ahu, Palama Settlement offers a variety of line dance programs for the first-timers and intermediate level dancers. Kick up your heels with us at Ward Warehouse on Tuesday nights. Many County Department of Parks and Recreation senior clubs have open classes. Our annual Senior Line Dance Round-up is O‘ahu June 4 and 5.

For more information about the Senior Line Dance Round-up or line dance classes and programs on all islands, call 808-228-0390 on O‘ahu, or email


The counties of Honolulu and Maui present
hosted by the West Oahu Line Dancers and
the Aloha Line Dancers Association
June 4–5, 2015
Ala Wai Golf Course Clubhouse, Waikiki
2 days of workshops, dancing and exhibitions.
Costs only $5 per person.




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