Maui Na Hoaloha has made their falls prevention program, Stay on Your Feet, part of their regular service to clients. Teams-4-Assessment are trained to implement complete falls risk assessments, engage clients in falls prevention training and help clients physically make their living quarters safer. The need is great. Na Hoaloha is seeking more volunteers.
Na Hoaloha currently services 440 home-bound clients with 200 trained volunteers. Their intergenerational approach allows young people to work with Stay on Your Feet assessment teams. Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries in seniors, so this progran can decrease hospitalizations and deaths due to falls.
Persons who have fallen once are at risk to fall again so the Team assesses fall history, medications, fitness, balance and vision. Teams also provide clients with nightlights, ensure pathways are clear and safe, and help clients plan for grab bar installation.
“Na Hoaloha serves the highest risk seniors who wish to stay in their own homes and live independently,” says Candice Carter, executive director. “For a complete falls assessment, please call us.”
P.O. Box 3208-61 N. Church St., Wailuku, HI 96793
808-249-2545 | info@nahoaloha.org
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