Protect Pets After You’re Gone

Senior man and big dog, closeupGrowing up, my family always had a pet. From dogs to cats to frogs and even a chicken for a day, pets have always been a part of my life. Today, our pet family consists of three dogs, a guinea pig, a bunny and frogs.

Our pets are not just animals but members of our family. And like our family members, we want to ensure that they are taken care of after we are gone. If you’re an animal lover like me, you worry about what will happen to your pet if something were to happen to you, then a pet trust may be your answer.

Many of our clients have pets that they love and want to ensure that they are cared for and provided for after they pass. A pet trust allows pet owners to set up a support system for their pets after they’re gone. The trust appoints a trustee who will manage the money put aside for the pet. It appoints a caretaker beneficiary who will take care of and love the pet for the rest of their life. We also work closely with our clients to prepare a memorandum of intent. This memorandum allows our clients to leave specific instructions on how to care for their pets — this can include specific food sensitivities, grooming, medical care and even burial or cremation.

If this is something you are interested in, we recommend contacting your attorney.

2054 S. Beretania St., Honolulu, HI 96826
808-524-0251 |


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