Leadership is Fun at RYLA

Participants and camp staff of the 2020 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards camp.
Participants and camp staff of the 2020 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards camp.

On Feb. 14, Hawai‘i District 5000 Rotary Clubs sponsored 42 island high school student (ages 14 to 17) for the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards camp (RYLA) at Salvation Army’s Camp Homelani in Waialua.

RYLA activities encourage leadership, citizenship and personal growth. Evidence-based, fun-filled experiences promote community service above self and develop youth empowerment for students who demonstrate potential leadership skills.

RYLA is a rewarding, foundational weekend experience. This year’s camper comments tell the story: “I learned how to be a better person, while making friends. I had a lot of fun. I hope I’m selected to attend camp RYLA again next year.”

Participants go through orientation and lectures.
Participants go through orientation and lectures.

Parents remarks support the outcomes: “After graduating from Camp RYLA, our daughter gained self-confidence and a focus with positive skills that I think we parents should also learn — being proactive and being willing to face life’s challenges challenges with a can-do attitude.”

“Thank you, RYLA!”

Schools, parents and youth organizations are encouraged to identify and sponsor students for RYLA’s next weekend event, which will be held next spring. Registration will begin in July.

P.O. Box 3325, Honolulu, HI 96801
808-536-8778 | www.rotaryd5000.org
For details, to nominate a youth or donate to the program,
contact Rick Tabor: 808-285-5936, rtabor12@twc.com.
Neighbor Island residents, contact your local Rotary Club.


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