Behind the White Picket Fence: The Memoir of Sharon L. Hicks

9781458206190_COVER.inddAn award-winning memoir, “How Do You Grab a Naked Lady?” A life about family and acceptance, a daughter’s lifelong search for normalcy is overshadowed by the antics of her mentally ill mother.

Sharon L. Hick speaks of her childhood life raised between two conflicts of opposing forces: mother vs. father, normalcy vs. lunacy. Her father an idealist and role model, mother an irrational, charming, seductive, and unpredictable bipolar, who parades naked in public.

Not the role model Sharon needed. She tries to escape the pressures of, mustn’t becoming her mother as she enters adulthood, distancing herself from her uncontrollable mother, only to learn she can’t escape. The only choice — dad’s dream of the white picket fence, a beautiful home and enough financial security so his daughter would never need to work. Sharon searched for the white picket fence with a squeaky clean husband, turned out empty, having two failed marriages and numerous men, Sharon questioned her Dad’s dream of the white picket fence and discovered the answer in the most unlikely source — her Mother.

With self-discovery, strong bonds, societal expectations, and a fascia of the American Dream, her touching honesty exposed the realisms of mental illness with humor.

Bestsellers like Running with Scissors, Sharon memoir sets apart the emphasis on the rippling effect of a dysfunctional upbringing through adulthood and a reality of mental illness behind the white picket fence.

Winner of Southern California Writers’ Conference Outstanding Non-Fiction Award 2012, tell-all memoir with full of interesting twists and turns.

About the author

Sharon L. Hicks is a retired executive living in Honolulu, Hawai‘i. She is the daughter of businessman and community leader Harold E. Hicks. This is her first book, inspired by her mother.


How Do You Grab a Naked Lady? By Sharon L. Hicks
Available at and | 808-282-4944


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