Model Good Oral Health Habits for Keiki

Smiling grandfather in bathroom kneeling beside grandson brushing teeth. staying at home in isolation during quarantine lockdown.Hawai‘i’s sandwich generation is confronted with both unique challenges and great opportunities as baby boomers care for their elderly parents, while also supporting their adult children and grandchildren. Multi-generational homes are very  common in Hawai‘i.

Interdependence can strengthen families and provide valuable intergenerational opportunities to meet each other’s needs. February, which is National Children’s Oral Health Month, is the perfect time to put this into practice.

Hawai‘i’s children have the highest prevalence of tooth decay in the nation. Tooth decay can affect their overall health and well-being, including their ability to concentrate in school. But grandparents can help their grandchildren and great-grandchildren maintain their oral health from an early age by showing — by example — the importance of properly brushing and flossing, and visiting a dentist on a regular basis for checkups. Children need to know a visit to the dentist is not scary!

Millennial adult children can also share their knowledge about oral healthcare with their grandparents who may have diabetes or are taking medications that may make their mouth feel dry and affect their gums.

Visit our website for more oral health tips.

HAWAII DENTAL SERVICE (501(c) 4 nonprofit)
Kahala Howser, Wellness & Events Manager
808-521-1431 |


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