Medicare: Taking Your Medicare Call

Medicare questions (such as the ones below) flood the Hawaii SHIP hotline each day.

SHIP: “Good morning, you have reached the Executive Office on Aging and the Hawaii SHIP, how may I help you?”

Caller #1: “I need information about why my Medicare is not covering my ambulance bill.”

Caller #2: “I am turning 65 in June, what do I need to do?

The Hawaii SHIP Program is sponsored by the Department of Health Executive Office on Aging, through a grant from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The program provides assistance to Medicare beneficiaries. In addition, the program provides presentations to all interested groups, exhibits at health and wellness events and does special screening outreach for Medicare beneficiaries during the Medicare Open Enrollment period, from October 15 to December 7.

Did You Know?

Medicare counseling assistance is available usually on the first Friday of each month at the Honolulu and Kapolei Social Security offices. A Medicare counselor is there from 9 a.m. to noon to assist anyone with Medicare questions, such as:

  • Do I have to sign up for Medicare?
  • Do I need a drug plan?
  • Is there help with health costs?

Two Medicare counseling sessions this spring are on Friday, April 4 and May 2.

Volunteer Opportunities

The Hawaii SHIP provides assistance to Hawai‘i’s 220,000 Medicare beneficiaries and is staffed by two state program specialists. So how is it that two staff members can accomplished the program goals? Not possible without the dedicated

volunteers who contribute to the success of the volunteer-based program.

Hawaii SHIP provides a number of great opportunities. Training and mentoring are provided for all volunteer positions. Presently, you have a choice among the following:

  • Community Outreach Specialist
  • Customer Service Specialist
  • Certified Medicare Counselor
  • Office and Material Volunteer
  • Special Projects Volunteer
  • Professional/Working Volunteer … and more.
    You can be a volunteer and assist Medicare beneficiaries, as well as family and friends. Volunteers are welcomed from all islands. You are invited to join others who have already said, Yes!


Hawaii SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program):
1-888-875-9229 |
For 2014 Medicare updates:


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