Medicare: Increased Benefits for Veterans

Many veterans don’t understand that the Veteran’s Administration (VA) offers a healthcare plan for veterans, reservists and members of the National Guard only.

This healthcare plan is not available to all veterans, as eligibility and qualifications are required to receive these healthcare services.

All medical treatment provided by the VA will be at VA facilities only; therefore, the veteran may have to travel long distances to access care.

They may also have difficulty obtaining a second opinion for certain specialty treatments.

Therefore, the VA recommends veterans turning 65 or those under 65 that qualified for Social Security Disability for more than two years should sign up for Medicare Part B when they are first eligible to enroll.

If you didn’t get Part B when you were first  eligible, your monthly premium may go up 10 percent for each 12-month period you could have had Part B, but didn’t sign up.

In most cases, you’ll have to pay this penalty each time you pay your premiums, for as long as you have Part B.

Once a veteran qualifies for Medicare Part A and B, he or she has the option to enroll into a Medicare Advantage Plan, sometimes called “Part C” or “MA Plan.” Medicare Advantage Plans include hospital and outpatient services, with or without prescription drug coverage.

Medicare Advantage Plans provide increased benefits for veterans. Some plans, at a $0 premium in addition to the Part B premium, will include added value enhancements to increase the veteran’s accessibility to care, such as non-VA emergency {Play} rooms and urgent care facilities, at lower costs.

In 2021, there are Medicare Advantage Plans that may provide benefits for health club membership and dental service. Based on the veteran’s zip code, some plans will provide a reduction for their Medicare Part B premium.

Finally, veterans with low income may now qualify for Extra Help or Medicaid Plan benefits with little or no out-of-pocket costs. Both programs can help with Medicare prescription drug program costs. Contact a licensed agent for more information on qualification guidelines and for application assistance.

During these difficult times, healthcare and extra value benefits like these are critical for some seniors in order to help them reduce costs.

Please contact a licensed agent specializing in Medicare Advantage Plans for more information and assistance.

1360 S. Beretania St., Ste. 209, Honolulu, HI 96814
Phone: 808-591-4877 | Fax: 808-589-2399


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