Lifework Planning Amid COVID-19

Even in this time of uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic, two simple rules dominate the future of your life’s work and options that are available today:

1) Full-time, regular 8 to 5 jobs are off the radar as the singular source for employment. Sometimes we will work for others this way, but who needs long commutes if they can be easily avoided?

2) Even in the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is likely that we will live longer than any previous generation. Do you wonder how you will handle your financial, mental, emotional and physical health? This is the time to consider multiple strategies.

Before you navigate a future that is totally unlike anything we have experienced in the past, consider these options:

Invest in your physical, mental and emotional health. A long walk on the beach, yoga, swimming and other activities help ensure balance, good quality of life and longevity. To avoid isolation and loneliness, reach out to others using social media and the latest technologies.

Limit the intake of news that is likely to cause you stress. Instead, spend 10 or 15 minutes a day discovering what you want to pursue in the future. For example, if you are interested in accounting and finance, search the internet for changes in this field. You’ll be amazed at how a daily peek will open your mind to new possibilities and expand your horizons.

Imagine. For today, envision some of the new ways to work from home and around the world:

Adjuncts and Subject Matter Experts: People who teach, coach, support and use their qualified experience to fill in or augment specific needs as required.
Barterers: People who trade goods or services for gainful exchange.
Crowdsourcing and Shared Sourcing: People who provide services by soliciting multiple contributions
• Freelancers: Free agents, temps, piece workers and project workers are the fastest growing segment of the workforce, according to government statistics.
• Full-Time, Remote Workers: People who are members of the regular, full-time workforce, complete with benefits, but work from home.
Global Pros: People who work from here to there and everywhere.
Interim Professionals: People engaged contractually during critical stages of business lifecycles, such as during start-up, rapid expansion, turnaround or other transition.
Network Marketers: Today’s digital answer to yesterday’s in-store retail sales and more!
Portfolio Jugglers: Multitaskers who apply their talent in several areas to develop and ensure a balanced flow of income from multiple sources.
Small Business Buccaneers: Those who seize new opportunities in the existing for-profit or not-for-profit marketplaces.

Carleen MacKay
916-316-0143 |
Contact Carleen via her website and receive New Ways to Work, a free PDF book co-written with Phyllis Horner.


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