Embracing Retirement Communities

Hundreds of families, including my own, go through the aging process. Historically, and particularly in Hawai‘i, our cultures require us to take care of our kupuna in our homes. However, in current times, adult children have very busy lives working full-time and raising children and grandchildren.

Today, an increasing number of families are turning to retirement communities for their aging loved ones. Retirement communities are no longer drab and dreary places with sad faces and worn wheelchairs. Residents experience vibrant and beautiful living spaces that promote wellness, recreation, socialization and health for older adults who all grew up in the same era. This means that residents share the same interests and find comfort in the same likes and dislikes.

When family members visit their loved ones, they may find them exercising in the pool, arranging tropical floral bouquets, laughing with friends over coffee or volunteering in the community thrift store. The best part, however, is knowing that mom or dad have physical and emotional support, activities to look forward to, will never go hungry, and most importantly, are safe.

Hawai‘i’s cultures are finally accepting and embracing the option of retirement communities. As I work with my clients, I am finding that our kupuna are independently choosing this lifestyle. They will tell me, “I don’t want to burden my children.” Parents cherish their independence and don’t want to burden their children; children want to do what’s best for their parents.

Pohai Nani
45-090 Namoku St., Kane‘ohe, HI 96744
808-236-7807 | gishol@good-sam.com


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