A Book By Karen L. Twichell: A Caregiver’s Journey – Finding Your Way

“Karen Twichell presents a unique combination of practical guidance and true stories for caregivers.” — Jack Canfield, Co-Author, Chicken Soup for the Soul®
“Karen Twichell presents a unique combination of practical guidance and true stories for caregivers.”
— Jack Canfield, Co-Author, Chicken Soup for the Soul®

Caregiving is as much a crisis as the disease or catastrophe that calls us to service. With little warning and less training, we assume responsibility for our loved one. Karen Twichell, R.N. has written a book for us. Twichell knew bed care, but when caring for her own mother, she found that medical training did not address overcoming fear, exhaustion and balancing two jobs.

Twichell put together A Caregiver’s Journey, a powerful, truthful and most of all, helpful guide that should be in every adult’s home library, and shared with every friend called to care for a loved one.

Millions of caregivers are providing long-term support for patients with Cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer’s, strokes, heart disease and other chronic diseases. With most of the attention focused on the disease crisis, caregiving family or friends with no medical or social work experience become overwhelmed, but often feel shy to even ask for help. This book’s main concern is the health, stability and perseverance of the loving caregiver.

A Caregiver’s Journey addresses both the practical and emotional issues facing those new to patient care with instruction, references and personal anecdotes. Twichell shares real-life experiences that touch the heart and demonstrate strategies to manage difficult times. Informative chapters packed with information and dozens of resources provide hope. A companion workbook offers charts and journals to keep track of medications and schedule the nitty-gritty details of 24/7 care.


A Caregiver’s Journey — Finding Your Way By Karen L. Twichell
Available at www.amazon.com | ISBN 0595168353


One response to “A Book By Karen L. Twichell: A Caregiver’s Journey – Finding Your Way”

  1. Dealing with this now, in SO many ways. Family, neighbors, etc. etc.
    Lost my husband just this past June, and am still dealing with my anger as to why those we love have to ‘be allowed’ to suffer so.
    Recently was given your book, would love to talk to you more about this subject.
    Thank You,
    Mary Crockett

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