Message from The Editor

This issue is jammed with great information and articles about women. Starting on page 16, Martha Khlopin tells the story of three youthful senior ladies who won the 2015 Ms. Medicare pageant. She explores the “Nature of Youth”— the source of youthfulness at any age. Her conclusion may cause you to take another look in the mirror.

The connection between youthfulness and health finds the physical side with Wendell, a retiree whose doctor took him off diabetes pills because he has been controlling his sugar by living a healthy lifestyle (p.36). On the spiritual side, an exhibition of Ikebana Japanese floral arrangement comes to O‘ahu in October, promising communion with nature, quiet peace and renewed inspiration (p.24). And meet the women of Na Koa Football Club (p.28).

Other Highlights

On page 33, clinical researchers at Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience encourage us to follow a nutritious diet that can support our brains and keep them healthy longer.

We can make a difference. Our legislature is considering The Hawaii Care Act that defines instruction hospitals give to family caregivers when patients are discharged from the hospital. Learn about this issue on page 32, and how to help AARP support it.

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Sherry Goya and GM Intern Brittany Nakamoto were assisted by over 15 volunteers from Project Dana and AARP — greeting and directing 1500 attendees to 9th Annual Aging in Place Workshop breakout rooms. Mahalo everyone!

The Generations Magazine and KHON2 9th Annual “Aging In Place Workshop” was a huge success! If you could not attend, our U.H. intern, Brittany Nakamoto details event highlights on page 12. We’ll be looking for you next year!

November begins the giving season. On page 52 Deputy Prosecutor, Scott Spallina tells us how to research charities so we know our gifts are getting to the people we want to help. If you are gifting part of your estate to your favorite charity, attorney Jeff Sisemoore tells how to do it on page 50.

The Generations staff and partners wish you a very happy Thanksgiving holiday. We thank our writers and advertisers for supporting Hawai‘i seniors and families. We are most grateful for you, our readers, and for the opportunity to bring you helpful resources for living.





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Every Day is Brand New!

Katherine Kama‘ema‘e Smith, Associate Editor


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