The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers a wide variety of programs and services for the nation’s 23 million veterans. Today close to 121,007 veterans live in Hawai‘i. Of these, 50,139 (41.4 percent) served during WWII, Korea and Vietnam, according to the “National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics” (Community Survey) 2014 report. Every year on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, we pay tribute and salute these extraordinary men and woman who made the highest sacrifice by risking their lives for us.
As this amazing generation of seniors ages, it is our turn to thank them. If we hold our country’s veterans in such high esteem, it’s important to care for them with the utmost dignity and respect. “It’s overwhelming when meeting with these incredible heroes — their service of valor and bravery is unrivaled,” said Janet Grace, sales and marketing director at Attention Plus Care. “Being in their homes, hearing remarkable stories of blood and battle, and seeing the incredible contributions they’ve made out of their love for this country is truly mindboggling.
“I’m always on the edge of my seat in awe,” said Janet. “As a proud Navy veteran myself, the privilege to meet and discuss home care options with these precious seniors is so rewarding.”
There is an understood responsibility and collaborative effort from various healthcare providers to ensure that our treasured veterans, and their families have access to the highest quality of patient safety and care available.
“The amount and type of care are different for each person, and it is important to know that home health agencies providing direct or indirect skilled nursing and therapeutic services are held to a higher standard, and must be licensed and regulated by the State of Hawai‘i,” said Ivani Phillips, RN and client service supervisor at Attention Plus Care. “A registered nurse can oversee and manage a veteran’s care plan, work with their healthcare provider, understand their diagnosis, help manage chronic conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and assess strategies to minimize risks as patients perform daily activities. Many combat heroes need assistance with tasks like ambulation when using a walker. Post physical trauma and injuries from service days may dictate a higher level of skilled care to manage colostomy, Hoyer lift and catheter care.”
In Hawai‘i, only home care companies licensed by the state Department of Health may provide VA care services. A licensed care company is a valuable resource for homebound veterans. Mahalo to all of Hawai‘i’s veterans — we salute you!
ATTENTION PLUS CARE Accredited by The Joint Commission
1580 Makaloa St., Ste. 1060, Honolulu HI 96814
808-739-2811 | www.attentionplus.com
Available monthly:
Aging in Hawaii Educational Outreach Program
by Attention Plus Care — A program to provide resources for seniors and their families, instructed by a registered nurse, who covers a different aging topic each month.
For more information on upcoming topics, contact us at 808-440-9356.
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