Keeping History Alive: Maui Plantation Camps

keeping-history-alive-maui-plantation-camps-1Did you or a loved one work for the plantations on Maui during the 20th century? Do you enjoy reminiscing with children and grandchildren about simpler times, when family came first and neighbors looked out for each other? Lahaina Restoration Foundation’s (LRF) Plantation Camp Map project helps tell your story.

keeping-history-alive-maui-plantation-camps-2Over seven years, the Plantation Days annual event in Lahaina allowed members of West Maui sugar and pineapple plantation communities to view and fine-tune details on large paper maps originally drawn up by Taketo Okamitsu. By locating their family homes on the maps, they preserved details for future generations.

For the past two years, LRF has commissioned digitization of these maps and a collection of personal details. LRF’s 32 colorful new maps show family names and home locations, company stores and services in each West Maui plantation camp from south of Lahaina to Pu‘ukoli‘i and Honolua. They celebrate the old families in our community and assist seniors in saving their memoirs.

LRF is currently the only organization committed to collecting information about West Maui’s camps, an integral part of a larger outreach to gather all primary source historical information about Lahaina.
keeping-history-alive-maui-plantation-camps-3By the end of 2016, residents and visitors will be able to view camp maps in a permanent display at the Plantation Museum, located on the top floor of The Wharf Cinema Center in Lahaina. Historic photos and antiques, including appliances, tools, furniture and heirlooms will illustrate poignant, real-life stories on display panels. Learn how migrant workers traveled to Hawai‘i; view the workings of a sugar mill and pineapple cannery; see homemade toys, games and community sports; explore the bango system and mid-century labor strikes. Visit the museum with your family and share your memories of plantation life.


501(c)3 Hawai‘i nonprofit with volunteer board of directors and members
808-661-3262 |

The Wharf Cinema Center, third floor
658 Front St., Lahaina HI 96761
Open daily from 9 am – 6 pm, free admission


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