Introducing the Hawai’i Neurotrauma Registry

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Nearly 800,000 Americans have a stroke each year, according to the CDC.

We probably all know someone who has experienced a stroke, spinal cord injury, concussion or traumatic brain injury. You may be the one this has happened to. These are called neurotraumatic injuries. Whatever the cause — a fall, burst blood vessel, car accident, sports injury, being hit by an object — the results can be devastating. They may be life-changing for the survivor and those around her or him.

What happens to people who have had one of these neurotraumatic injuries once they leave the hospital or rehabilitation clinic? Do they return home to live? Are they able to keep a job? Can they drive anymore? Will they have to take medication for the rest of their lives? Do they need help to go to the grocery store or clean the house? Will they need assistance later down the line? Might they need a cane, walker or a wheelchair? What happens to their appetite and sleep? Why do they seem to get upset more often?

Medical professionals know about their patients’ needs while they’re still in the hospital, clinic or other facility. However, we don’t know much about what happens to people once they leave a medical center. The Hawai‘i Neurotrauma Registry (NT Registry) wants to find out. The NT Registry is administered by the Hawai‘I Department of Health, Developmental Disabilities Division. It is managed by project staff at the Pacific Basin Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (PBRRTC).

Help Others & Join The Registry

The NT Registry is a voluntary, statewide effort to gather information about people of all ages who have experienced one or more neurotraumatic injury. This information helps us better understand the needs of survivors and their families. The knowledge may help develop a system of support, educate service providers and justify the need to fund services.

The NT Registry looks to you, our kupuna, and your families and friends for assistance. If you have experienced a neurotraumatic injury, please consider becoming a part of the NT Registry. If you know of others who have had injuries, let them know about us. Every individual who becomes a part of the NT Registry has the power to help shape the future of care for people with neurotraumatic injuries.

You may fill out the confidential survey online at We can schedule an appointment with you in person or over the phone to help you fill out the survey if you do not have Internet access, have difficulty seeing, etc. Only with your help can the NT Registry be a success.


University of Hawaii at Manoa
John A. Burns School of Medicine, Pacific Basin RRTC
677 Ala Moana, Suite 202, Honolulu, HI 96813-5417
808-692-1375/1372 | 1-866-447-9023


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