Book Review: 65 Things to Do When You Retire

Generations Magazine - 2013-06-07 - Book Review - Image 01When you think of retirement, you may dream of spending carefree days traveling with friends or loved ones. If you’re at that stage of life, 65 Things to Do When You Retire: Travel can help you steer toward a fulfilling and enjoyable retirement, whether you are looking for physical adventure, a spiritual journey, or to go sightseeing in far-flung places.

In this book, more than 65 writers and travel experts reveal their own personal adventures and offer practical advice about how retirees can have the time of their lives, whether traveling with a group, with a spouse or partner, or on their own. Their fun and informative essays describe glorious getaways, the best places for retirees to visit — and relocate — and how to plan for a “great escape” without breaking the bank.

The contributors cover such fascinating trends as:

Taking a “golden gap year”— a new twist on the common practice of high school grads taking a year off to travel before college, only this time it’s the boomers who are taking a year to explore the world before settling into their retirement.

Going “glamping”— This fusion of glamour and camping is for those travelers who love the outdoors but want to travel in comfort.

Living nomadically — Lynne Martin caused a stir when The Wall Street Journal published her article about how she and her husband sold their home, put their valued possessions in storage, and set off to see the world as “senior gypsies.” Her account was immensely popular with WSJ’s readers, obviously touching a chord with many who dreamed of doing the very same thing.

65 Things To Do When You Retire: Travel is a 5.5” x 8.5”, 400-page, soft cover book, and retails for $16.95. It’s available in bookstores and at Or, call Sellers Publishing at 1-800-625-3386.


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