Put Your Voice Into Your Estate Plan

Singing has always been a passion of mine — with my brothers, in choirs or in the shower. In choir, when the director handed out new music, I remember looking at the black notes on the white sheets of paper and thinking that the music made no sense, and it’s going to be really boring to sing.

As our choral group rehearsed and blended in harmony, the melody would always come to life and become a beautiful story in song—even more so as I connected more with the composer of the music, and the meaning and emotion the author intended to convey.

Everyone’s voice is unique, textured and lovely in its own way. When everyone sings in harmony, it makes the song exponentially more beautiful.

An estate plan has been regarded “as the sole, authentic voice of a man who is dead.” However, much like that sheet of paper with notes on it during the first day of choir practice, if left as a template legal document, without the maker breathing life (voice) and personal meaning into it, the legal document will remain sterile, sometines rendering it almost meaningless.

What is at risk in this case is family harmony.

Family members will apply their own song and lyrics to the document in the absence of the ma-kers’s voice, rather than being able to hear and honor the loved one’s story.

When you work with your attorney to establish or update your plan, to ensure harmony, please remember to make sure to incorporate your unique, textured and dynamic solo voice.


Stephen B. Yim, Attorney at Law
2054 S. Beretania St., Honolulu HI 96826

808-524-0251  |  www.stephenyimestateplanning.com


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