Assistive Technology on Loan

Assistive Technology - Generations Magazine - April - May 2012Have you ever wanted to try a new technology without having to buy it? If so, you may be interested in the AT Depot/Equipment Loan Program — it is one of five programs offered by Assistive Technology Resource Centers (ARTC) of Hawai‘i. The center is a 501c (3) non-profit organization that receives federal funds to provide assistive technology. Last year, the center celebrated 20 years of service in the Islands.

The assistive technology devices are designed for individuals with learning, mobility, hearing and vision challenges. Examples of devices that can borrowed include telephone amplifiers, hearing amplifiers, hand-held magnifiers, iPads, intel readers, pocket pro talkers, smart pens and more.

The program allows you to take the assistive devices home to explore and use on your own terms. If you need help with the technology, the ATRC offers training and demonstrations. Once you give the device a test run, you simply return it to the ARTC. If you choose to purchase the device, ARTC can help you locate a vendor. Funding information and options are also available so you can get the technology you want and need.

The latest mobility aid in the ARTC’s depot is the iGlasses. Designed for the blind and visually impaired, the iGlasses is a perfect complement to a walking cane or guide dog. It is a head-mounted device that uses ultrasonic sensors to detect objects as far as 10 feet away. Gentle vibrations on the lenses alert the wearer of objects, and the vibrations increase as objects become closer. It is definitely something to “see”!

Assistive Technology Resource Centers | 532-7115 | 1-800-645-3007


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