Building a Fine Arts Museum on Maui

My current goal is to help Maui Arts League build a Visual Fine Arts Museum on West Maui — for our children, residents and visitors. My husband and I have always valued art and were inspired by collecting fine art. I believe art makes people happy. What could be better than surrounding yourself with family, good friends, delicious healthy food and beautiful art?

Working for my community keeps my mind active, takes me all over the island, and leaves little time to become a couch potato! I think this approach to life makes me look younger than I am. I may feel like a centenarian some days (backaches or joint stress), but at 73, I ordinarily wake up fresh and eager to accomplish something of value.

If you want to keep enthusiastic about life, feeling vibrant, looking young and fit — just volunteer. My parents passed on to me their dedication to volunteerism and I am thankful for their wise insight and guidance on how to get the most out of life.

I worked long hours during my career at IBM. In retirement, I still liked setting goals and keeping busy, so I donated my time and skills to art organizations first in Austin, Texas, and later on Maui when we relocated here. I work just as much volunteering as I did at IBM, but now my imaginary ‘paycheck’ is much bigger!

You can give back to the community by donating time to your favorite nonprofit organization as a docent, a greeter, office helper or event staff. Pick groups that fit your passion: literary groups (especially children’s organizations like Book Trust), health groups (cancer, hospice, hospitals, care homes), or arts groups (Maui Arts & Cultural Center, Honolulu Museum of Art, Maui Academy of Performing Arts, Maui Arts League).

My retirement goals focus on community work because I don’t have children. If your focus is on family, keeping busy and setting goals works well too! If you’d like to chat about growing old and art, send me an email. If you live on Maui, a cup of coffee may be in the cards.


Lois Reiswig  |


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