For Punahou School’s 175th anniversary, administrators challenged alumni, teachers, students and their families to collectively perform 175 acts of community service. The Class of 1974 decided to sponsor a Kūpuna Health Seminar at Lanakila Multipurpose Senor Center. Generations Magazine, Percy Ihara helped contact educational speakers and exhibitors, such as expert Nutritionist Dr. Shintani, and Tai Chi Instructor Tommy Amina from Nu‘uanu YMCA. Class of 1974 alumni prepared and served a healthy lunch to all participants.
Since 1841, Punahou School has earned a tradition for excellent scholarship and community service. The Luke Center for Public Service teaches students social; they create their own service projects and work with Aloha United Way. Congratulations to the Class of 1974 and all Punahou alumni serving our community!
1601 Punahou St., Honolulu, HI 96822
808-944-5711 | advancement@punahou.edu
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