Expanding End-of-Life Options

You may remember Brittany Maynard, the young woman diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor, who moved her family to Oregon to take advantage of the state’s Death with Dignity law. Her story galvanized a movement and was greatly responsible for getting California’s new End-of-Life Option law passed. One young woman telling her story — plainly relaying her sadness and brave resolve — inspired others to take a stand.

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Brittany Maynard died at 30 yrs. old.

Medical aid in dying (also known as Death with Dignity) is an end-of-life care option that most people in Hawai‘i support. In a 2011 QMark study, more than 75 percent of Hawai‘i voters surveyed believe that a terminally ill adult should have the choice to request and receive medication from their doctor to bring about a peaceful death. Throughout our state Compassion & Choices is working to make more end-of-life care options available, including hospice care, pain management, palliative care, the ability to refuse unwanted medical treatment, and 
medical aid in dying.

Thanks to Brittany, more people feel free to speak their minds. Perhaps you have a story to share. Do you support death with dignity? What would it mean to you to have access to all end-of-life options? Compassion and Choices wants to hear from you.



4348 Waialae Ave., Unit 927, Honolulu, HI 96816
1-800-247-7421  |  hawaii@compassionandchoices.org


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