Expand Your Horizons Through Travel


Seniors who travel may be positively impacting their health. Travel keeps the mind and body active and strong.

Any type of travel is good for you. A change in scenery and environment provides a healthy break from your regular routine.

Travel encourages engagement with others, whether you are visiting family and friends, or traveling with a group of people you don’t know. Group travel — usually with between 15 and 40 people — introduces you to new friends. Depending on the focus of the travel program, you will be among like-minded, interesting people.

Engage in tours that focus on quality experiences with insider access to heritage and environmental. We work with nonprofit organizations such as the Smithsonian, The Nature Conservancy, National Parks Conservation Parks and Road Scholar (previously known as Elderhostel) to customize educational travel programs in Hawai‘i, Tahiti, Fiji, Easter Island, American Samoa/ Samoa, Guam, PNG and throughout Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia.

expand-your-horizons-through-travel-2Consider these educational travel explorations over a “mass tourism” group package as tours emphasize learning about the destination, its indigenous peoples, and its history and natural environments. Gain perspective from the locals, discover regional cuisine and leave with a better understanding of what life is like in these places.

Interpretation is often with “guides,” who are not in the tourism industry, but are experts in their fields of study, including volcanologists in Hawai‘i, archaeologists on Easter Island, or marine biologists in Palau or Fiji. Much can be learned about their political systems and unique economic industries.

Get out and explore the world or even your own backyard on a Neighbor Island.

You can travel by ship, take a group land tour or consider family travel on an intergenerational (grandparents and grandchildren) or multi-generational tour (grandparents, parents and grandchildren together).

Quench your curiosity, get active and go travel! There is something out there for everyone.


1144 10th Ave., Ste. 301, Honolulu HI 96816
O: 808-732-1999 | F: 808-732-9555
info@pac-island.com | www.ExplorethePacific.com
Exceptional cultural and eco-experiences since 1989


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