Are Your Medications Working?

Generations - 2014-02 - Medications Working - Image 01It is sometimes difficult to be sure whether we, as seniors, are taking our multiple medications correctly. Help has arrived. If you have a Medicare drug plan and take medications for more than one chronic health condition — such as hypertension, diabetes or cardiac disease — you may be eligible for Medication Therapy Management (MTM) at no cost to you. Local pharmacists can review your medications and discuss any concerns. Contact your drug plan to see if your plan will cover MTM.

  • Get more benefit from the drugs you’re taking.
  • Know how to best take your medications.
  • Clear up any concerns about reactions, side effects, costs and insurance.

Whether you qualify for MTM or not, remember that each medication prescribed by your doctor is meant to serve a particular purpose, but when taken incorrectly, a drug can become ineffective or even dangerous. Problems often arise when no one has a clear record or understanding of all the medications you have been prescribed.

If you are prescribed drugs by more than one doctor, or visit more than one pharmacy, you will want to be sure that all of your doctors and pharmacists are aware of all your prescriptions. Be sure to include all herbal and nonprescription agents as well.

For more information, call Pharmacare Hawaii at 808-840-4123.


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