Are You Ready for 2019 and Beyond?

January of 2018, I made a lifestyle change: I went vegan. In March, I added fish to my diet, so I am now pescatarian. I don’t eat meat, chicken, dairy, eggs and cheese. It’s been over a year now and I lost a few pounds. I’m still feeling great and I am also exercising.

Seniors not only have to exercise and stay physically and mentally fit; they also need to make their money last longer. Social Security, regular investments (stocks, mutual funds) and retirement plans (401k, IRA) now have to account for an extended life span. We don’t want to spend our golden years in poverty and ill health.

In the past, retirement money didn’t have to last very long. In 1965, men had a life expectancy of 68 years and women lived an average of 71 years. Men lived only three years past retirement age and women lived six years in retirement. Now that people are leading healthier lifestyles and taking advantage of advancements in science and medicine, retirees are living well into their 90s. Our money has to last for 20 to 30 years after we stop working.

This month I made 70. Very fortunate my father is still alive; he’s 94 years old. My mother passed away two years ago at age 92. I have three children, nine grandchildren and twelve greats. I would like to spend many more years with them.

Am I ready? Are you ready?

Edward Motosue, his son Travis, and their team have provided the senior community with financial guidance and insurance expertise for 10 years.



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