Insurance You May Not Realize You Need

Insurance is a product for the what-ifs in life. A good insurance policy can reduce the financial impact of an adverse event, mitigate financial losses, provide stability and offer some peace of mind during difficult times. Some insurance coverage is deemed so important, it’s mandated by law. But there is also lesser-known insurance coverage worth exploring. Consider these optional coverages to trade uncertainty for financial protection.

Smiling Faces at Moloka‘i’s Friendly Places

Senior programs on Moloka‘i are provided by a wide range of nonprofits. There is no designated “senior center,” but a number of facilities welcome program providers. The Moloka‘i Rural Health Community Association (MRHCA) is one such provider. Its Kupuna Program was established post-COVID with funding from Maui County’s Office of Economic Development and Office on Aging to promote overall health and wellness. Program Manager Ku‘ulei Arce describes MRHCA as a “one-stop place that aims to help kūpuna live a well-rounded life.”

Increase Your Independence

Do you ever find yourself having difficulty with routine tasks that you used to be able to do with ease? Making lunch? Brushing your hair? Reading a novel? Hearing the television? Assistive technology (AT) can help with all of these and more. AT can help with a variety of challenges: hearing, vision, communication, computer/phone access, activities of daily living and recreation.

Diabetes’ Impact on Eye Health

In the US, a staggering 34.2 million grapple with diabetes, marking a critical public health concern, particularly for older adults. This chronic condition impacting blood sugar levels significantly threatens seniors’ eye health. Elevated blood sugar can damage delicate retinal blood vessels, leading to diabetic retinopathy—a condition that, if left untreated, can result in vision impairment and possible blindness.

Train Your Brain

Just like it’s important to maintain your physical health by adopting an in-home exercise regime, it is important to maintain your mental health by engaging in challenging activities that promote cognitive function. Changes in cognitive function are a natural part of aging. With time, your brain loses agility and can deteriorate further if you don’t take steps to maintain it.

Homemade Matcha Mochi

Matcha is a powdered green tea that is rich in antioxidant compounds due to its special cultivation method. Traditionally, the tea bushes are covered with bamboo mats to shade the leaves from direct sunlight, therefore producing higher amounts of amino acids, chlorophyll and theanine. Matcha is known for its vibrant color and unique, bitter taste. Matcha is low-calorie and fat-free. Compared to other green teas, matcha is relatively high in caffeine.

Driven by Legacy, Crafted with Aloha

Did Manuel Nobriga know when he began crafting ice cream from scratch at Maui Soda & Ice Works in Wailuku in 1932 that he would be leaving an enduring legacy that would be perpetuated and celebrated for many generations? Well, as it turns out, Manuel’s ideas, formulas and methods have become the blueprint for a cherished family recipe that would expand to more than 70 flavors over time. “Roselani” was to become a household name on Maui and their family’s delicious dessert would become an integral part of special occasions across the islands for nearly a century. Through four generations of hard work, consistency, integrity and heart, Maui Soda & Ice Works, LTD, remains a truly remarkable family  business.