Category: Living Life

  • Is It Worth Switching to an Electric Car?

    Considering the rising costs of gasoline, is the initial price tag of an electric vehicle (EV) worth the extra money? EVs also impact the environmental less and offer other potential benefits, but what about hidden costs?

  • The Rarified Air of Acceptance

    Our friends, old and new, are sweetly awed when we tell them our love story. We met in college in the mid-’70s. We fell in love. We knew beyond a doubt that we were meant to be together. Yet, as fate would have it, we met at the wrong place and the wrong time for…

  • Get Out and Explore!

    Naturalist John Muir once said, “The mountains are calling and I must go.” The yearning to bask in the glory of nature is the same for those who can get up and walk as it is for someone who gets around by wheelchair.

  • The Genteel Sport of Lawn Bowling

    While the sport of pickleball has swept across Hawai‘i, there’s another game that has been enjoyed by seniors for a much longer time but often goes unnoticed. Lawn bowling is a genteel sport particularly liked by seniors because it demands little physicality.

  • A Window of Opportunity

    In the early hours of a chilly October morning, Rick donned his bomber jacket and hat, and stealthily snuck into the carport, his trusty shaving kit in hand. He quietly pushed his golf cart down the long gravel driveway before starting it, as to not wake his wife. The former Korean War pilot navigated back…

  • Home is Where the Heart Is

    Throughout our lives, we can call a variety of places home. For me, one of those places was my grandmother’s house. I’ve been going  in and out of her house since I was a baby. I knew every inch of my grandmother’s house, like which rooms had the best hiding spots or which drawers held…

  • A Medical Marijuana Odyssey

    Elton Goo was surfing in Peru when the government closed its borders to fight COVID-19 in March 2020. As an avid surfer, being temporarily stranded in one of the best countries in the world to score some “epic surf” might not have been such a bad thing, but unfortunately, Elton, who was diagnosed in 2016…

  • Improving Retirement Security in Hawai‘i

    Retirement insecurity is one of the most serious challenges facing the country today. Most at risk are private sector workers whose employers do not offer a workplace retirement savings plan. However, the Hawai‘i State Legislature has initiated action on this critical issue.

  • Spring Cleaning for Your Wallet

    It’s time to begin your spring cleaning! This year, don’t forget to include your wallet, the home of your critical medical and insurance cards. Do you know which cards you should carry or dispose of?

  • How Will I Know When It’s Time to Move?

    As we age, we’re faced with the dilemma of where and how we will live during the next phase of our lives. One of the most frequently asked questions is, “How do I know when it’s time to move?” Here are some questions that may help you to self-discover when it’s right for you…