The State Office of Veterans’ Services’ (OVS) motto is “proud to serve those who served their country.” We accomplish our mission by reaching out to eligible veterans and helping them file service-connected disability claims for benefits and entitlements they’ve earned through military service. We have offices on Kaua‘i, Maui, Kona, Hilo, Tripler Army Medical Center and Diamond Head. We travel to Moloka‘i monthly and Lāna‘i quarterly. OVS-accredited counselors work very hard to assist all veterans who are separating or retiring from active service.
We help prepare appeal documents, if needed; we review prospects for progression upgrades and assist with end-of-life issues. We also partner with the respective counties to operate seven state veterans cemeteries on Kaua‘i, Maui, Moloka‘i, Lāna‘i and Hawai‘i island. The Hawai‘i State Veterans Cemetery on O‘ahu is fully operated by the state.
OVS also provides support and assistance for week-long events like the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War Commemoration, the WWI Centennial Program, the 2019 State Veterans Summit and the upcoming 75th Commemoration of the End of World War II, set for Aug. 29 through Sept. 3. In addition to federal Veterans Affairs entitlements and benefits, the State of Hawai‘i has benefits for eligible veterans: specialty veterans’ license plates, real property tax exemption, state registration fee exemption for 100-percent disabled veterans and special adaptive housing for disabled veterans. Contact your local island office staff and counselor corps to see if you qualify.
We understand that you have a unique deployment history and set of injuries or ailments. We respect you and the loved ones who accompany you to appointments. We seek to do more for our veterans and their families. But the first step is on you… open the door and allow OVS and other veteran partners to help. With so many federal, state, county veterans’ organizations and private groups supporting our warriors, there are many ways to help. Call our Central Line at Tripler OVS at 808-433-0420 for more information and begin the process.
Tripler Army Medical Center
E Wing, Rm. 1-A103, Honolulu, HI 96819-1522
808-433-0420 |
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