Tag: Medicare

  • The Doctor Is In!

    Did you know Medicare coverage includes preventive services? Contact your doctor for more information and to schedule recommended preventive screenings, care, and to participate in educational classes. (Cost sharing and other limitations may apply.)

  • Medicare Q&A

    The general enrollment period for Medicare Part B, medical insurance, begins January 1 and runs through March 31. Keep in mind that, although there is no monthly premium for Medicare Part A, there will be a premium for your Medicare Part B. And in most cases, that premium goes up each 12-month period you were…

  • Medicare Has Made Some Changes!

    In 2019, a new Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period, from January 1 to March 31, will begin and is expected to run annually. If you’re enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan, you’ll have the opportunity to switch to another Medicare Advantage Plan or to Original Medicare Parts A and B.

  • Before the Finish Line: Medicare & Fitness

    Although improved fitness plays a significant role in improving overall health and reducing your risk for disease, Medicare usually does not cover exercise classes or the services of a personal trainer. However, when medically necessary, Medicare Part B may cover occupational and physical therapy, which could include some exercise and fitness training.

  • Workplace Insurance and Medicare

    One question that is frequently asked by people about to turn 65 who have health insurance through an employer is: “Do I need to enroll in Medicare?” Good question! If you or your spouse are still working when you turn age 65 and have insurance through your employer you may consider delaying Medicare Part A…

  • Medicare News!

    According to Kathryn Coleman, Director at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), a final rule issued in April 2018 has redefined the “primarily health related” supplement benefit definition. As a result, CMS expects Medicare Advantage plan sponsors to begin offering services for enrollees needing assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADL) or Instrumental Activities…

  • Who’s Turning 65 This Year?

    What do singer Cyndi Lauper, comedian Tim Allen, wrestler Hulk Hogan, attorney Marcia Clark and politician Jeb Bush have in common? They were born in 1953 and are turning 65 this year, along with many others who may not enjoy fortune or fame. Celebrity or not, if you share their birth year and you or…

  • Disability Benefits Q&A

    I’m applying for disability benefits. Do I automatically receive Medicare benefits if I’m approved for disability benefits?

  • Is It Time for Medicare?

    Were you a high school senior in 1972, singing Alice Cooper’s classic hit, “School’s Out” (for Summer)? Then you may be turning 65 soon and wondering if you need Medicare insurance. Figuring it out on your own may leave you clicking through a lot of scam websites and staring at a mountain of brochures and…

  • Keep that “Spring” in your Step!

    As a Medicare educator and radio host, it’s my passion to keep up with changes that impact Medicare beneficiaries. My radio listening audience is well into their 60s and 70s and octogenarians listen, too. Some are ’69 and ’70 graduates of Roosevelt, Kalani, Kaimuki, and McKinley high schools. Each year, they sponsor “Battle of the Bands”…