Tag: Alzheimer’s

  • Healthy Aging and Hearing Loss

    As we age, our hearing often loses its edge. Clinical research suggests that hearing loss can have a negative effect on some key measures of healthy aging as cognitive, physical and social functioning decline. A study by the National Institute on Aging indicates that people with untreated hearing loss are significantly more at risk of…

  • The Healthy Brain Initiative

    Recognizing the growing burden of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Alzheimer’s Association launched “The Healthy Brain Initiative” in 2013 to improve the diagnosis of dementia, and find and institute preventive measures.

  • The Many Facets of Dementia

    Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia — isn’t that the same thing? The simple answer is no. Dementia is an umbrella term for the different types of diseases that affect the brain. Alzheimer’s Disease is only one form of dementia. Also on the list we have Lewy body dementia, alcohol-related dementia, frontal-temporal dementia, Parkinson’s-related dementia, and so on. Dementia is…

  • Three Ways to Prevent Alzheimer’s

    Living longer is an important goal — but not if we can’t remember our friends, loved ones and even who we are. Long life is one of the reasons why Alzheimer’s disease (AD) can be so devastating. Here are three important things you can do to prevent Alzheimer’s disease: VITAMIN D This nutrient has long…

  • Alzheimer’s Disease

    Alzheimer’s is a progressive illness that involves the destruction of brain cells. In its earliest stages, symptoms include a decrease in short-term memory and forgetfulness, often accompanied by a diminished ability to find words. Emotional and personality changes in the early stages maAlzheimer’s is a progressive illness that involves the destruction of brain cells. In…

  • A Book By Karen L. Twichell: A Caregiver’s Journey – Finding Your Way

    Caregiving is as much a crisis as the disease or catastrophe that calls us to service. With little warning and less training, we assume responsibility for our loved one. Karen Twichell, R.N. has written a book for us. Twichell knew bed care, but when caring for her own mother, she found that medical training did…

  • Message from the Editor – Aug / Sep 2012

    Welcome to all of you attending this year’s Senior Fair and enjoying the great exhibitors and presentations, full of resourceful information and contacts to living well. We all should thank the producer of this—the largest event of the year dedicated to our senior community— Mike Rossell and his associate Barbara Garofano who coordinates just about everything. This month’s cover…

  • Les Murakami: The Heart of a Warrior Through & Through

    Les Murakami: The Heart of a Warrior Through & Through

    “Don’t give up… I still exercise six days a week.” Former UH Coach Les Murakami had an award-winning baseball coaching career at the University of Hawai‘i. He coached more than 500 players in a victory-studded career that stretched from 1971 to his retirement in 2001. But his retirement didn’t come by choice. On Nov. 2,…

  • Mike Buck at KHVH Radio: The Voice of Alzheimer’s in Hawaii

    Mike Buck at KHVH Radio: The Voice of Alzheimer’s in Hawaii

    “For anyone diagnosed with Alzheimerʻs, itʻs important to know that you can live a meaningful and productive life after diagnosis.” — Mike Buck Radio personality Mike Buck of KHVH Radio is the “Voice for the Alzheimer’s Association.” Both of Mike’s parents had Alzheimer’s and he is committed to get the word out about the need…

  • Know the 10 Warning Signs

    Some change in memory is normal as we grow older, but the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease are more than simple lapses in memory. People with Alzheimer’s have difficulties communicating, learning, thinking, and reasoning—problems severe enough to impact on an individual’s work, social activities and family life. This list can help you recognize the warning signs of…