Sing Along With Sandy & Gordon

All around the world, music surrounds us. In Hawai‘i, from small kid time, we gathered to play ‘ukulele and sing and listen to the songs of our multicultural community for entertainment and relaxation.

Gordon and Sandy are two local musicians who enjoy sharing their passion for music. They are not professional musicians. “We are just amateurs,” Gordon says.

They bring their music to care homes, assisted living facilities and nursing homes, and say they experience many touching moments with Hawai‘i’s elder community.

When a daughter saw her kūpuna singing along with Gordon and Sandy in a care facility, she cried with joy to see how much her mother was enjoying the music.

Moments like that inspire Gordon and Sandy to continue traveling to care facilities several days a week, week after week, to share their music with kūpuna for about an hour out of the day.

Gordon and Sandy describe themselves as “just ordinary local people.” Gordon served our local community for 35 years as a Honolulu Police Department officer.  Sandy worked for 20 years as an accounting manager. They both attended ‘ukulele classes, and with what they learned, are now a traveling music duo with their ‘ukulele, music stands, microphones, sound system and repertoire of Hawaiian music classics.

The dynamic couple also enhances the connection between the sound, lyrics and kūpuna by researching the roots of the songs they perform — their local history and origins. Singing songs about the manapua man, and towns and neighborhoods of the past while interjecting Hawaiian Pidgin words we don’t hear very often any longer connects a kupuna’s brain to the past, bringing about fond memories and producing a soothing feeling as relaxation kicks in, making space for sweet reminiscing of days gone by.

As community volunteers, Gordon and Sandy say, “If we can do it, others can do it, too. Our lives are so enriched being with kūpuna. What we do is rewarding and easy.”

So the next time you listen to music, think of Gordon and Sandy sharing their passion and talents, and consider becoming a volunteer and community steward in  mālama to others. Think of what you can do to brighten the day of your community’s kūpuna using your own talents, passions and special skill sets.

Feel free to contact me with questions about caregiving.
Calvin Hara | 916-812-5524 |



2 responses to “Sing Along With Sandy & Gordon”

  1. Roy Miyahira Avatar
    Roy Miyahira

    Sandy & Gordon’s performance reached out to connect with the elderly residence by singing 1930’s & 1940’s songs, telling historical events and shared the culture of old Hawaii. The residence laughed, smiled and sang along to the songs they knew. Sandy & Gordon asked trivia questions of the past to get the group’s involvement.

    Sandy & Gordon’s reward comes from seeing the residence participate and being happy. They have been doing this weekly for many years at various senior homes. What a blessing to have them.

  2. Linda Norton Avatar
    Linda Norton

    What wonderful work Gordon and Sandy do for the elderly. Hopefully people reading the article will consider how they can help others.

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