‘Olelo Community Media is honored to serve the diverse people, groups and communities of O’ahu, Hawai’i. Citizens don’t often have a voice in commercial media, so Public, Education and Governmental (PEG) Access provides them with an added source of information and opinion, a forum to discuss issues, and a means of sharing first-hand stories about O’ahu’s rich community life, to island residents and the world.
So, the City and County of Honolulu Elderly Affairs Division is excited to announce an upcoming television program that will be aired on an ‘Olelo Media television channel by the New Year, 2013. This program is intended for our island kupuna, and will showcase a mix of current events, personal interviews, recreation, sports, services, demonstrations, inter-generational opportunities, tips, etc. The program will serve as a means of obtaining information, as well as, provide entertainment and potential life lessons to our entire audience no matter their age. Best of all, the program’s segments will be produced by seniors from our very own community! It will give them the chance to share their mana‘o (knowledge), give back to their community, explore and utilize new technology. Our ku¯puna has so much to offer, and we intend on tapping into that wealth of knowledge.
So, we have this amazing vision and structure to our program, but NO name! We decided on extending the opportunity to a select population of 55 and better, to give their suggestions for the title of this new show. The winner of this contest will receive a Longs Drugs $50 gift certificate and recognition on the television program.
The following are the details to be considered when naming the show:
- Must be original
- Must be four words or less
- Must encompass the essence of the program
- Rules to enter the contest:
- Must be 55 years old and better
- Must be a resident of O‘ahu
- Only one entry per person
All entries must be received by Dec. 31, 2012.
Click here to download the entry form
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