Choosing a Physical Therapist

As the most vital member of your own health care team, it’s important for you to know how to choose the right physical therapist who can maximize your healthcare dollars.

Tips for choosing a physical therapist:

Freedom to Choose: You are not obligated to accept the therapist your physician recommends. Explore your options to ensure that you receive a great rehab experience.

Personal Therapist: Do not settle for anything less than a licensed therapist who specializes in the kind of care you need. Your therapist should be empathetic, understanding, encouraging and challenging. S/he should work one-on-one with you to develop an individualized program. Look for a physical therapist who utilizes manual therapy, a specialized field that uses hands-on techniques for faster recovery.

Clinical Setting: Bigger isn’t always better; individualized care is. No two facilities are the same, so evaluate the facility to see whether it has the equipment you need, such as a therapy pool, weight equipment or gait and balance equipment.

Consistency: While no clinic can guarantee that you’ll have the same therapist 100 percent of the time, it should strive for continuity of care. No one is more vested in your recovery than you. Expect value for services rendered. If the therapist is not providing hands-on care, you may not be receiving the best care possible. So seek out a stand-out physical therapist who goes above and beyond on your behalf.


Moon Physical Therapy, LLC
“Therapy that achieves RESULTS”
320 Ward Avenue, Suite 107; Honolulu, HI 96814
808-597-1005 |


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