Category: December – January 2014

  • Healthy Food Tips for Your Kidney

    Are you aware of the caution about drinking cola drinks? According to a 2007 study, “carbonated beverage consumption has been linked with diabetes, hypertension and kidney stones, all risk factors for chronic kidney disease (CKD). Cola beverages, in particular, contain phosphoric acid and have been associated with urinary changes that promote kidney stones.”(1) Drinking two…

  • Legal: Siblingship

    siblingship [sib-ling-ship] noun (November 9, 2013): 1. The state of being related or interrelated 2. A state of affairs existing between one of two or more individuals having one common parent. You will not find this word in the dictionary — it is a new word as of November 9, 2013. It describes the unique,…

  • Frank, as Always: Big-Band Musical Baggage

    When Generations invited me to write an article about my high school days, one of the first memories that came to mind was of riding in the backseat of my dad’s 1959 Chevy Impala every morning, heading to school and listening to his favorite radio program. In the 50s, there was this DJ named Hal…

  • Important Notice: Your Medicare Plan Not Offered in 2014?

    Every year, a few weeks before Halloween, I get dozens of calls from Medicare beneficiaries with questions about Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period, which begins October 15 and ends December 7. It is the time when Medicare beneficiaries can decide to keep their existing health plan or select a new plan that becomes effective January 1…

  • Maui Mindset

    Maui Mindset

    The Valley Isle has some of the happiest seniors in Hawai‘i. Is it simply a Maui state of mind? Or is there more to it? The fact that each year people from all over the world move to Maui to retire must say something…or perhaps it says a lot. During a recent trip to the Valley…

  • Solar Savvy: Tips from the Industry Pros

    Look around. Gleaming new solar panels are going up on roofs all over Hawai‘i. It’s no wonder — with our exorbitant electricity rates, year-round sun and substantial tax credits, installing a PV system in Hawai‘i makes so much sense, especially if you’re on a fixed income. Homeowners who educate themselves before investing will enjoy reliable…

  • Welcome to the Homepage

    Main navigation menu: Use these topics to navigate to the various pages in our site. As you run the cursor over the word, it’ll become bold. These topics will always exist on every page. Throughout the homepage, there are also various other buttons that’ll take you to any one of these topics. Home is the…


    Hawai‘i’s legendary jazz musician Gabe Baltazar, Jr. has thrilled audiences since the late 1940s with his powerful and passionate playing. In his memoir, If It Swings, It’s Music, Gabe takes readers along the long road to becoming one of the very few Asian Americans who has achieved worldwide acclaim as a jazz artist. Born in…

  • Hawaii Connector Must Be Consumer Friendly, Accountable and Sustainable

    Beginning in January 2014, Hawai‘i residents who are without health insurance, small businesses, and those who are self-employed will be able to be covered by insurance purchased through an online marketplace known as the Hawaii Health Connector. The Connector was established by the state Legislature in 2011 to offer health plans to the public under…

  • Home Care for Stroke Survivors

    Caring for stroke survivors at home can be overwhelming for anyone. Getting outside help from home care agencies can make a difference in your ability to balance your life with your loved one’s needs. Ask the following questions to find a trustworthy company with qualified, reliable caregivers who are also compassionate and dedicated. Does the…