Category: April – May 2015

  • Hiking for Health, or Just For Pure Joy

    Hiking is a great activity for seniors! I’m 72 and really enjoy it. Several of my fellow hikers are in their upper 70’s and are still going strong. One, at 83, still hikes five miles on the beach several times a week. Some people hike mainly for exercise and walk vigorously hoping to work up…

  • Escape the Ordinary This Summer

    Ahhh, summer is almost here! We all look forward to summer for time to relax, recharge, explore, spend more time with family and friends, or perhaps carve out more quality time to ourselves to do what we enjoy the most. Join the Hawaii State Public Library System (HSPLS) this summer to do all of those…

  • Four Myths About Kidney Disease

    What do you know about kidney disease? Are you sure that what you heard is correct? Here are 4 common errors: Myth 1: Kidney disease is rare One in seven adults in Hawai‘i has kidney disease and one in two are at risk for the disease. High blood pressure, diabetes, a family history of kidney…

  • The Magic of “Stardust”

    Alex Haley, author of “Roots: The Saga of an American Family” once wrote: “Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children.” In Hawai‘i, kupuna play an active role in the family and raising our next generation. Schools are tapping into this senior resource…

  • Brothers & Sisters in Community Service

    Beta Beta Gamma (BBG) is the only Greek sorority left at University of Hawai‘i. In the ‘50s and ‘60s, students from small rural high schools could find fellowship, mentors and community at big universities by joining a sorority or fraternity. Today, BBG still brings like-minded women together for important service work. In celebration of the…

  • Mahalo Volunteers!

    Webster says that “Volunteerism” is the act or practice of doing volunteer work in community service. Here in Hawai‘i, many seniors volunteer their services to our community every day — in a multitude of capacities. One such volunteer is Nancy Shimamoto, who spends every Tuesday from 8 am to noon on the “front-line” at Kuakini…

  • Constipation in Seniors

    Constipation affects approximately 2 percent of the population in the US; the elderly are more commonly affected. Constipation refers to bowel movements that are infrequent or hard to pass. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), constipation is defined as having a bowel movement less than 3 times a week. Laxatives can help relieve…

  • April – May 2015

    April – May 2015

    Disaster. Red Cross. You.: Coralie Matayoshi and Volunteers

  • Do You Know IRMA?

    Millions of Medicare beneficiaries with Original Medicare or other Medicare health plans understand the costs associated with their Medicare Part B coverage. The premium for Medicare Part B is usually deducted from the beneficiary’s social security payment, or can be billed separately or paid by a third party. Medicare Part B coverage is provided to…

  • “No Sweat Cooking”

    Yumm!! George Yoshida and Derek Kurisu released their new cookbook–full of tasty, local-style recipes they demonstrate on their wildly popular Hawai‘i Island daily cable TV show, “Seniors Living in Paradise.” The recipes are easy. On air and in the cookbook, that translates to “any man can cook,” “one-minute cooking,” and even “slam-’em-together gourmet cooking.” George…

  • Do I Have a Tip for You!

    It takes creativity to stretch our dollars, save steps and get our chores done efficiently so we have time for family and community FUN! Let’s share what we’ve learned. Our world is changing, but not everything. The younger generation teach us technology; we teach them wisdom. In our time, “fast” and “inexpensive” was the name…

  • Lost in Translation

    Did you play the game “grape vine” as a child? You whisper something to someone who whispers it to another, until the last person gets the message. The last person says the message out loud. At best, it is a very garbled version of the original message. Think about estate planning. People tell their attorney…