Category: Articles

  • Homemade Matcha Mochi

    Matcha is a powdered green tea that is rich in antioxidant compounds due to its special cultivation method. Traditionally, the tea bushes are covered with bamboo mats to shade the leaves from direct sunlight, therefore producing higher amounts of amino acids, chlorophyll and theanine. Matcha is known for its vibrant color and unique, bitter taste.…

  • Empathy vs. Sympathy

    As a society, we have faced much grief over the last few years. When in the mode of navigating care for ourselves or others, we often run into misconceptions about what we should or shouldn’t do.

  • Writing Helpful Reviews: A Guide for Seniors

    Most customers read online reviews before purchasing a product or service. But when was the last time you wrote one? Remember, when you write a review, you are helping others and yourself.

  • Maui Fires Spark Pioneering Spirit

    It has been nearly a year since wildfires fueled by powerful winds from Hurricane Dora destroyed the town of Lahaina and parts of Kula. The wildfire that killed at least 101 people is the deadliest in the US in more than a century, and the most lethal natural disaster to occur in Hawai‘i since statehood…

  • Mahalo for the Memories!

    My mother and father lived to 92 and 94, respectively, and as the years passed, it was sometimes difficult to choose gifts for them, so I had to be creative. For Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, I want to share some special gift ideas for seniors like my parents.

  • Disaster-Proofing Your Documents

    A fireproof safe may not be 100% effective, as evidenced during Maui’s wildfires last year. In parts of Lahaina, the heat was so intense that safes were found melted.

  • Driven by Legacy, Crafted with Aloha

    Driven by Legacy, Crafted with Aloha

    Did Manuel Nobriga know when he began crafting ice cream from scratch at Maui Soda & Ice Works in Wailuku in 1932 that he would be leaving an enduring legacy that would be perpetuated and celebrated for many generations? Well, as it turns out, Manuel’s ideas, formulas and methods have become the blueprint for a…

  • The Language of Emotion

    Many may feel that it’s somehow “too late” and that there is some sort of an expiration date for starting to learn an instrument. Both Royal Hawaiian Bandmaster Clarke Bright and Eric Kop, assistant administrator and principal horn, emphasize that it is never too late to get into music, in whatever form it takes.

  • The Royal Hawaiian Band

    The Royal Hawaiian Band

    “To promote and foster music, preserve the Hawaiian musical culture, inspire young musicians and enrich the lives of the people of Hawai‘i” is their  mission. As the only full-time municipal band in the United States — and the only one with a royal legacy — the Royal Hawaiian Band has touched and continues to move…

  • Minimize Asset Distribution Drama

    Minimize Asset Distribution Drama

    Minimizing estate asset distribution conflicts among survivors proves to be a challenging consequence of death. Hard-to-divide assets such as a family heirloom or the family home can cause the fracturing of relationships.

  • What’s in YOUR Toolbox?

    Trusts are tools. Like screwdrivers, they come in a variety of sizes and shapes, each designed to accomplish a defined result. You need a screwdriver with a tip that looks like a straight line for a screw with a head that has a straight slot in it. You need a screwdriver with a tip shaped…

  • Before Cosigning Your Child’s Loan…

    As your child heads off to college or starts life as an independent young adult, he or she will likely face new financial responsibilities, such as a car purchase, rent or college tuition payments. Given their lack of credit history, it may be difficult for them to obtain a loan without a parent or another…