Category: Living Life
Breeze Through the Airport with TSA Cares
Going through security at the airport is stressful. The lines are long. People around you are losing their minds. Airport air conditioning is way too cold, and when you finally get to the security scanner, TSA officials are shouting confusing directions: “Take your shoes off!” “Pour out that water!”
Crazy Little Thing Called Love!
The city and county’s Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Senior Citizens Program made a splash this year hosting an annual event Valentines Day dance titled Crazy Little Thing Called Love. Sponsored by Bank of Hawaii and DPR. Music by the Royal Hawaiian Band. 850 hearts (people) attended!
Can You Trust Wristband Health Readings?
Rapid advances in healthcare technology allow many older adults to monitor their vital signs with a glance at their wrist. But is the wristband health technology accurate? You’ve probably seen the multitude of health monitors you can strap on your wrist. And you assume that they have passed testing to show that they are accurate…
Lifelong Learning in Hawai‘i
The population structure in the U.S. is rapidly changing. Increased life expectancy, strong immigration and a fertility rate of presently 1.64 children per woman — higher than in other developed countries — will cause a population increase from 336 million (2023) to 373 million (2053). The population ages 60 and older will experience the strongest…
More Seniors Try Marijuana
As cannabis becomes more accepted in the medical community, a rising number of seniors are trying it, especially for pain.
Time Flies When You’re Having Fun
I like to think of myself as a realist. I know we are all going to die and that 75 is actually not the new 50. Sorry to disappoint you. It ends up that 75 is really more like — wait for it — the old 74. What is also true is that time does…
McDating: Romance Under Golden Arches
Turns out, you just might find more than two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun at your local McDonald’s. Venetia Angel, 63, routinely visited her local McDonald’s in Pukalani on Maui. One evening, she approached a group of senior ladies who were playing cards. She noticed them there…
A Perfect Match Forged in Honesty
Rose Singarella and Mladen Karcic, both 53 when they met through an online dating site, did not wade in the shallows during their initial conversations, but plunged right into the deep end. Mladen’s mother was seriously ill; Rose was still recovering from the loss of her fiance. She had promised him that she would look…
Spreading Happiness One Chocolate at a Time
Valley Isle Chocolates, a small family business on Maui, is beginning the New Year with a new kitchen space, new equipment, new packaging and new ideas for the future. Now, they are very busy making chocolates, developing recipes and selling their wares at many farmers markets and local brick-and-mortar stores. At the end of last…
How to Downsize the Right Way
Downsizing sounds like a great idea… until you begin to wrap your head around the massive task of moving. The thought of leaving a longtime home, with all of its associations — the height chart on the laundry room doorframe, the grave of a beloved pet — can be heart-wrenching. Add to that the cost…
Laughter is the Best Medicine
Many forms of yoga have been developed over the centuries by serious practitioners who strive for the benefits of mind-body balance. Popular styles of yoga include Ashtanga, Hatha, Iyengar and many more. But if the thought of mindful meditation in a somber setting is not your cup of chai tea, there is good news for…
Hawai‘i’s King of Tropical Music
At 71, Rolando Sanchez has the energy of a man half his age. Scratch that. He has the energy of a man a quarter of his age. If you’ve been in Hawai‘i for any length of time, you’re familiar with the charismatic percussionist/singer/band leader Rolando Sanchez, known for his high-energy shows that established Latin dance…