Category: Column

  • Zooming Into the Future

    The US Census Bureau has reported that people aged 65 and older will outnumber those under 18 years old by 2034. Every year, millions of these senior citizens look at life after retirement as an opportunity to expand their horizons and learn more. It’s a time to take special-interest lessons or even earn a degree.…

  • Jobs Then, Work Now

    It’s a new day and a new time in today’s world of work. A shifting economic landscape continues to drive significant changes in the American workplace. Nearly every aspect of the country’s workforce has changed in the last 50 years.

  • The Answer is: What is an HMO?

    Ever imagine you might need to become a contestant on “Jeopardy” to pay your healthcare costs? Your answer may be no, but it seems it pays to understand how a health maintenance organization (HMO) works, if you have one.

  • The Keys to Your Online Kingdom

    When you open an online account of any kind (anything from Facebook to online banking), you generally want to set the minimum password length to at least eight characters. The longer the password, the harder it is to crack, so for even greater security, set the minimum password length to 14 characters. • It can…

  • It’s Time to Embrace Technology

    Some of us seniors may still cling to the belief that the old days were so much better. However, most of us have certainly developed an appetite for the latest cellphones, ultra-modern appliances and high-tech cars. Likely as a result from the pandemic, baby boomers who previously gathered to talk story, now chat on Facebook.

  • Improving Retirement Security in Hawai‘i

    Retirement insecurity is one of the most serious challenges facing the country today. Most at risk are private sector workers whose employers do not offer a workplace retirement savings plan. However, the Hawai‘i State Legislature has initiated action on this critical issue.

  • Spring Cleaning for Your Wallet

    It’s time to begin your spring cleaning! This year, don’t forget to include your wallet, the home of your critical medical and insurance cards. Do you know which cards you should carry or dispose of?

  • Veterans Helping Veterans

    The call came in. “Help! Papa needs an ADA-compliant bathroom.” According to Adele, his granddaughter, “Papa refuses to come downstairs to shower because he says he already has a blankly-blank shower upstairs.” Jim “Papa” Raynor is a 98½-year-old WWII veteran.

  • Ransomware

    Major corporations, government agencies, healthcare organizations, small businesses and private individuals are all being targeted by ransomware. The law enforcement and cybersecurity communities believe many of the cybercriminals behind these attacks are connected to organized crime, anti-US entities or even terrorist groups. It is an ongoing challenge to identify hackers and bring them to justice.

  • Longevity Benefits of Working Longer

    In 2010, I wrote a booklet for Career Partners International, a leading outplacement counseling firm, in which I compared the 20th century workplace with the 21st century workplace. In simple terms, I made the case that the once-upon-a-time dominant workplace of regular, full-time workers was fast becoming a workplace of workers who work part-time, some…