Category: Column

  • Since When is work Fun? Since Now!

    Let go of the past. You are both the author and central character of your Third Act. Let your imagination wander as you read about new ways people over 50, 60, 70 and beyond are having fun, making money and devoting their creativity and energy to all the areas of their jam-packed lives.

  • Building a Fine Arts Museum on Maui

    My current goal is to help Maui Arts League build a Visual Fine Arts Museum on West Maui — for our children, residents and visitors. My husband and I have always valued art and were inspired by collecting fine art. I believe art makes people happy. What could be better than surrounding yourself with family,…

  • Diving into Retirement

    The biggest surprise about retirement is that I am busier now than when I had a regular job. My to-do list seems to get longer every day, even though I know I am continually completing tasks. Keeping busy with meaningful work is good advice to anyone contemplating retirement.

  • Portfolio Workers: Who Are They?

    Portfolio workers are the “Jugglers” of multiple opportunities who know a diversified work portfolio increases the probability of realizing financial and personal success, improves their sense of control and boosts feelings of security.

  • Language Matters: Avoiding Ageist Talk

    Ageism is discrimination and negative stereotyping on the basis of a person’s age. It permeates the media and everyday conversations to such an extent and in such subtle ways that people may accept negative stereotypes of older adults (“forgetful,” “grouchy,” “less competent”) as truth, unconscious of their bias.

  • Are You Ready for 2019 and Beyond?

    Seniors not only have to exercise and stay physically and mentally fit; they also need to make their money last longer. Social Security, regular investments (stocks, mutual funds) and retirement plans (401k, IRA) now have to account for an extended life span.

  • Embracing Change

    Maggie threw her pen at the computer. “Oh no! I can’t find the email I just wrote to my grandson. I hate the computer! Why can’t we go back to the way things used to be before the technology monster took over, when we talked to each other in person or on the phone?” Remembering…

  • Ed Gayagas: ‘Don’t Give Up!’

    Find something you’re passionate about and stick with it! That’s the advice Ed Gayagas has followed for himself and the message he passes along to others.

  • How My Watch Helped Me Set Goals

    I have learned a lot about setting goals from interacting with my smartwatch! The S.M.A.R.T. approach to setting goals has been around far longer than smartwatches, but the watches demonstrate perfectly the basic S.M.A.R.T. concepts originally created in 1981 by George T. Doran as a management tool but relevant for any type of goal.

  • How to Make WORK…WORK for You!

    If you are 50, 60, 70 or 80 today and need — or want — to continue to work, there is an exciting, fast-rising world emerging; a world filled with new ways of working and earning your way in Hawai‘i!