Bumper-to-Bumper Service Checks

Have you taken your car in for its 10,000-mile service checkup? If you are like most car owners who need a reliable car that can go the distance, you schedule an appointment the moment your mechanic sends a reminder. The bumper-to-bumper inspection requires a trained professional to perform an extensive list of tests, including a battery check, look under the hood, and a review of fluid levels and brakes.

But how do you respond when your healthcare provider sends you a checkup notice? Do you keep up with your body’s maintenance?

Did you schedule your free annual Medicare wellness visit, a comprehensive examination to check if critical systems are functioning well?

Remember, your body functions just like any machine. To perform optimally, you need to go in for your 365-day service checkup and stay up to date with your preventive screenings.

You may not be that excited about scheduling the tests; you may ignore the notices because you really don’t want anyone hammering your knees to check reflexes, and asking for a blood draw and urine sample to “check your fluids.”

Here’s a tip: When you get your auto’s annual service check notice, give your health provider a call to find out if you are overdue for your personal health service checkup.

If you are, get it scheduled.

A radio program with Martha Khlopin

Saturdays, 2 pm–2:30 pm
Sundays, 9:30 am–10 am

808-230-3379 | getmartha@aol.com

To learn more about free Medicare wellness visits, go to:


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