Enjoying Peace of Mind in Your Senior Years!

My dad, James Kensei Higa, never had a headache in his life. When someone in our family had a headache he would ask, What does it feel like? Imagine living 84 years and never having a headache! My dad always slept soundly and seldom worried about anything. Dad went to heaven in 2005.

My mom, Sue Sumiko Higa, on the other hand, worried enough for both of them. She worried when her grandson got sick, she worried about having enough money, and she worried that I would do poorly when I preached my Sunday sermons. She was always relieved when I didn’t mess up. Did my mom have headaches and sleepless nights? She had quite a few of them. My mom also lived 84 years and went to heaven in 2009.

Is there a correlation between sleepless nights, worry and headaches? I’m not a doctor, but I believe there is. As a pastor my understanding about God is that He doesn’t want worry to be a part of your life. Instead, He wants you talk to him about your struggles. Worrying can be habit forming and that’s why some people become “worry warts.” Are you a “worry wart?” Talk to God about your problems, he loves you and he will help you not to worry as much.

At one time all three of my sons were in their twenties and living on the Mainland. Instead of worrying about them, I would pray, Lord, please watch over my sons, help them to make wise decisions and bless them. Then, instead of worrying, and having sleepless nights, I would fall fast asleep, just like my dad.

The next time worry tries to enter your mind turn to God and ask Him to help you. I believe that He will bring peace to your heart and mind. When you’re having a worry-filled and sleepless night, look to God. If that doesn’t work for you, then open the Bible and start reading. If you still can’t sleep, come to my church on Sunday … perhaps my sermon might put you sound asleep!

Honolulu Christian Church, 2207 O‘ahu Avenue, Honolulu | 808-973-4345
English Sunday services: 7:45am & 10:45am
Sunday School (all ages): 9:30am
Japanese Sunday services: 8:00am & 9:20am
We have a wonderful Senior Fellowship group, come and visit with us!


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