Virtual Training: Think About It!

Seniors are less likely to attend community fitness classes and participate in face-to-face networking  due to social distancing mandates put in place for our safety during the pandemic.
Enter virtual training!

If asked about attending an online class before COVID-19, seniors’ likely response may have been “heck no.” Now, if they have an underlying medical condition which makes it risky to attend in-person classes — even with rigorous safety protocols in place — it may be the only way.

COVID-19 has forced many seniors to become more tech savvy and open-minded to new ways of doing things. With someone to assist in the setup, more seniors are exploring and enjoying the benefits of working virtually with a professional trainer in their home.

Les and Shirley were initially hesitant about having someone come to their home; but when offered a virtual exercise session, they agreed. Assisted by their daughter, they started with individual sessions because of the difference in their physical abilities, but quickly moved to working out together. They seem to enjoy ribbing each other when one of them is having difficulty perfecting their form. They even showed us their dance moves at the end of one session! Virtual training: Think about it!

Debbie Kim Morikawa, Owner
808-295-1163 |


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