Community Living Centers

As a veteran who is “getting up there,” how to live out my last years comfortably without being a burden is more than a passing thought. Fortunately, there are 100 Veterans Affairs Community Living Centers (CLCs) across the country. Their mission is to restore the veteran to his or her highest level of physical and/or psychological well-being before being discharged to their own home.” CLCs also provide nursing home-level care.

Tripler Army Medical Center is a 60-bed CLC facility that offers the comforts of home as much as possible. It provides convalescent care, rehabilitation, geriatric and geri-psychiatric assessment to eligible veterans in an inpatient setting.

Veterans must be enrolled in the VA Health Care System to receive this care.

CLCs provide activities for veterans of all ages in a family-friendly setting for visitors. Pets are also allowed to visit or live in the CLC. Organizations visit to host games, sing and hold barbecues, giving veterans an opportunity to talk story.

Veterans may also receive nursing home-level care, which includes help with activities of daily living, as well as nursing and medical care.

This level of care helps prevent declines in health and provides comfort at the end of life.

438 Hobron Lane, Ste. 407, Honolulu, HI 96815
808-946-7250 |


One response to “Community Living Centers”

  1. Bob White Avatar
    Bob White

    What is the cost of residing in CLC ?

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