Tag: Sherry Goya

  • My Take on Things: Find Your Local Senior Club

    Like many of the City & County’s Parks and Recreation senior programs, the Moanalua Senior Citizens’ Club did not meet in June, July and August while the City’s Summer Fun programs took over their locations. When I delivered Generations Magazine’s August/September issue on Monday, September 9th, I heard one of the seniors say that it…

  • My Take on Things: What’s All the Racket?

    Two and a half hours, and three sets later, a group of “50 plus” women enjoy beautiful weather at Wentworth Tennis Courts in Pearl Harbor. The youngest is 52 and the oldest will turn 80 in August. All appreciate a challenging game of tennis as you can hear laughter, applause, “good shot” and “great get”…

  • My Take on Things: Shuzi Health Jewelry

    It was September 8, 2011 that I had a stroke … some say it was “mild” and some say it was a “nerve stroke” while I say, “It happened, now move on!” Every day since then, I test myself on doing things with my right side. Within two weeks I got rid of the walker but was…

  • Message from the Editor – Oct/Nov 2011

    One year and counting… It’s hard to believe that it’s already been one year since we revived Generations Magazine and brought it back for you­—our readers. Our goal continues to be to publish a resource magazine that is of great value to you, your families and friends. Please continue to share each issue with your…